FileMenu Tools
Release: 2024-05-12
Category: Productivity - Desktop Accessories
Size: 12187Kb
Dependency: Administrator rights (to register and unregister the shell extension)
Not stealth: No. Windows settings are saved to the registry under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\LopeSoft.
Publisher: LopeSoft
FileMenu Tools customizes the context menu of Explorer, adding built-in utilities for file and folder operations. Users can add customized commands that run external applications, copy/move to a specific folder or delete specific file types; customize the "Send to..." submenu; and enable/disable the commands which are added by other applications to the context menu.
The built-in utilities allow the user to run a given program with arguments, copy/move to a folder, copy path, UNC path, Internet path, name or content to clipboard, view or change attributes, split/join a file, register/unregister a DLL, find and replace, advanced rename, synchronize two folders, delete locked files, create symbolic link, calculate and verify SHA/MD5 checksums, shred files, change folders icon, and many more.
$PLUGINSDIR - This directory is installed but is not needed so can be deleted