Signal portable
Version: 7.36.1-9
Release: 2025-01-05
Category: Internet - Instant Messengers
Size: 134408Kb
Not stealth:
Publisher: Signal Messenger LLC. & Portapps Inc.
+++ The Secure Privacy Messenger +++
Signal is an Open-Source and multi-platform messenging service focused on privacy. It's underlying protocol is probably the most secure available and meanwhile the "De-Facto-Standard", also used by apps like the Facebook Messenger, Skype or WhatsApp.
Signal portable is a portable version of Signal Desktop, which brings the application to your Windows desktop. Keep in mind, that you need to have an already created account on your Android or iOS phone, to use this app.
For more information on Signal please visit the official web site available at
This portable version of the app is made by Portapps, Inc., an open source project, self-funded & developed by CrazyMax, an experienced developer of open source software.
Compared to the original release, following modifications have been made through policies to ensure portability:
-> Directory for user data changed to
-> Check for updates disabled
The documentation, an overview of all portable applications published by Portapps, as well as the posibility to submit a request if your favourite app is missing, are available at
Big Thanks to CrazyMax! IMHO this is worth at least a star (or some more) at github, or maybe also a small donation to support future development.
If you get any kind of trouble with this SPS, or any other published
by mrx: Please just contact me for support. I will help you to find a
solution & maybe, by the way, you can help to increase the quality
of SyMenu Suite & help other users.
Thanks to and original SPS submitted by: mimic
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0