Version: 1.0.4
Release: 2008-02-11
Category: System - Storage
Size: 208Kb
Not stealth:
Publisher: Harald Bögeholz
Maybe you have bought a new storage media and want to check if it really corresponds to the specifications on the package, or you want to test an older storage media for errors. H2testw is a simple, free tool that requires no installation and offers a very simple interface that will let you scan almost any type of storage media.
The invention of this tool came about because of the sale of counterfeit SD cards and USB sticks which were not the actual claimed size.
A cool feature is that you can choose the amount of data to scan. Although the program is mainly focused on USB devices, it can also be used to scan hard drives (internal or external), network drives or memory cards. Once the scan is complete, the exact time it took, the number of megabytes tested and the read/write speed are displayed. If you want to test the writing speed, the program will create a file of a certain size and show you how fast your device can actually write it.
If the download from OneDrive does not work, please try several times, after a while it will work.
Since the official download link does not work with SyMenu, the
original file is stored in my own OneDrive. If the download from
OneDrive does not work, please try several times, after a while
it will work.
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