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Folders Popup
SPS by Luis Neves

Version: 5.2.3
Release: 2016-05-09
Category: Files - Miscellaneous
Size: 1179Kb
Not stealth:
Publisher: Jean Lalonde
Web site:

Folders Popup lets you move easily between frequently used folders within save dialogs. Click the middle mouse button to access your favorite folders within the menu.

Users of Windows XP and Windows Vista are invited to use Folders Popup, previous version of Quick Access Popup, that is still supported for these OS. The users of FoldersPopup can import their settings to QuickAcessPopup, running after installation the file ImportFPsettings manually. UPDATES - Due to a SPS limitation and until solve it, in the update process the user have to follow a few steps manually: 1. After the update there will exist 4 Folders Popup menu items (2 for 32bit and 2 for 64bit), so go to Tools->Configuration ,select the FP items that poin to the older version and remove them. 2, Select any of the remainig FP items and click the button to open the corresponding app folder. 3. Delete the 2 FoldersPopup-x_x_x-32-bit and 64-bit exe files from the older version.

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