SyMenu SPS Suite
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Release: 2025-01-13
Category: Others - Emulators
Size: 108409Kb
Dependency: 64 bit Windows
Not stealth:
Publisher: electerm
electerm is a terminal/ssh/sftp client(linux, mac, win) based on electron/ssh2/node-pty/xterm/antd/useProxy and many other libs.
Works as a terminal/file manager or ssh/telnet/serialport/sftp client
Global hotkey to toggle window visibility
Multi platform
Multi-language support
Double click to directly edit (small) remote files.
Auth with publicKey + password.
Support Zmodem(rz, sz).
Support ssh tunnel.
Support Trzsz(trz/tsz), similar to rz/sz, and compatible with tmux.
Transparent window(Mac, win).
Terminal background image.
Global/session proxy.
Quick commands
UI/terminal theme
Sync bookmarks/themes/quick commands to github/gitee secret gist
Quick input to one or all terminals.
Command line usage: check wiki
MIT License