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SyMenu beta 8.00

.NET 8.0 RC was released two days ago.
Will switch over to the beta now.


Still a few graphical glitches.
  • Icons are too small/not scaling correctly.
  • Window contents jitter when resizing window.
  • Fields are cutoff when the number of rows exceeds the amount of space in a fixed size element. On Programs without Virustotal Information, the text is displayed correctly. But fields are cut off when displaying programs with Virustotal data. Issue also present in Options.

Machine Specs
4K display at 150% scaling
.NET 8.0
Windows 11 22H2

edited by scentse on 16/09/2023
SyMenu beta 8.00

O sure, functionality is great.

Even the settings and configuration folders were copied over & retained.
The only folder which I didn't copy over was the 'Lib' folder for obvious reasons.

Text is certainly sharper than in 7.0.

But you'll notice with the icons in the Item Manager, some of them only take up the upper left quadrant of the hitbox.

Also previously unmentioned are some issues with the title bar.
The text on the title bar is too large and gets cutoff.
But the title bar elements (Maximize,Minimize Close) are too small & have tiny hitboxes.

Graphical elements aside, seems stable enough.
I'll begin using the 8.0 release going forward...

Many thanks!!

edited by scentse on 18/09/2023
SyMenu beta 8.00


  • The program information elements are now cutoff. Only way to install SW is by right-click in the program lost
  • Hitboxes now match icon size. However the icons remain tiny. They do don't appear to be respecting Window's scaling settings.
  • Title bar is now cutting off more text than before.
  • The sort row for list of programs is now cut off
  • Free space bar is cut off.

  • Free Space bar is cut off.
  • Save & Exit Button is cut off.
  • Certain checkboxes are overlaying the text fields.

  • Checkboxes are partially overlayed on the text fields
  • Graphical assets
  • Textboxes are cut off

SyMenu beta 8.00

Using default 150% Scaling.
Tried at 125%, same issues.

Unaware if the scaling logic is performed via the OS or on the GPU??
On AMD's most recent stable driver w/ the 23H2 update enabled.


I tried disabling/enabling GPU Scaling in the AMD Radeon SW. Made no difference.
Tried uninstalling the SW/driver. Made no difference.

Just tested on a VMWare VM 11 23H2, 150% scaling. Zero problems. VM using the VMWare Tools graphics driver.

The issues are also present on a another HP tower with different chipset AMD dGPU at 200% scaling.
Both HP towers are using Intel processors w/ AMD GPUs. (i5-12400, RX5500 & i5-8400, RX550

Perhaps this might be an issue with the AMD GPU, differing instruction sets form Intel/AMD, or something to do with HP's hidden BIOS settings (only the most basic toggles are visible).

edited by scentse on 29/09/2023
SyMenu beta 8.00

Various compatibility overrides make some improvements, but far from the intended output with several cutoff areas remaining.
Furthermore, the overrides introduce major artifacts when resizing the window.

I would not hold out hopes on Microsoft resolving the issue.
Per-application settings for iGPU vs dGPU were once handled via the GPU driver/software for both Nvidia & AMD.

Back in the 20H2 update, Microsoft usurped control of per-application settings. Their implementation of the feature is a mess.
So many issues with Windows not recognizing a GPU. Or recognizing a GPU, but disallowing selection of a GPU for per-application settings.

In this specific instance, Windows is recognizing both GPUs and allowing the setting for SyMenu to use the iGPU.
BUT, it is not respecting the setting.

When viewing the Performance Resource graphs, the dGPU spikes when selecting and moving the SyMenu window.
When the SyMenu window stops moving, the dGPU values return to 1%.
The iGPU remains at a static 0% throughout.

On the older HP tower, the Intel processor is an F variant (no iGPU on the processor).
This was an office PC, way before HDMI 2.0 was even available on motherboards.
Hence the need for a dGPU to enable 4K output.

The more configurations testing the 8.xx release will surely reveal more.
SyMenu beta 8.00

A shared mess indeed. I previously encountered this problem with Autodesk's AutoCAD.
Windows wouldn't respect the Nvidia GPU setting because the older laptop's monitor was only connected to the onboard graphics.
Newer laptops branch this connection.

What I suspect has happened is that Microsoft changed the Windows graphics stack to force all rendering output to the "3D engine" where the monitor is connected.
Plugged into the motherboard, rendering occurs on the processor.
Plugged into the PCIe card, rendering occurs the GPU.

Certain GPU engine settings are respected by Windows. For instance VLC.
Windows will delegate certain tasks to the "Video Decode engine" on the user-selected graphics, but the rendering output is handled by the "3D engine" where the monitor is connected to.

Were you planning on introducing additional features into the 8.xx release which would break something in 7.xx?

Or could both versions remain interoperable with the database?

While lacking knowledge of how to write code, I understand some base concepts.
Perhaps this documentation might illuminate,

edited by scentse on 03/10/2023
SyMenu beta 8.00

If the backend dependencies will remain functional, then I suspect leaving the 7.xx branch for unsupported configurations is the way forward.
Probably not what you had in mind after dedicating so much time when porting over to .NET 8.
As you rightly highlight: At some point, Microsoft may identify the issue & patch.

And of course, this could be a very limited aberration - the AMD GPU w/ the Intel CPU.

  • AMD onboard graphics might be fine.
  • Intel onboard graphics might be fine.
  • AMD GPUs w/ AMD CPUS might be fine.
  • Nvidia GPUs w/ AMD CPUs might be fine.
  • Nvidia GPUs w/ Intel CPUs might be fine.

More tested configurations are truly required to ascertain how many machines are impacted.

Given the unknowns, I'd be weary of updating 7.xx installs to 8.xx.

Perhaps the 8.xx is better for new installs??
SyMenu beta 8.00

Will you be able to get enough testing configurations with 8 tucked away in this thread though?
A beta link on the homepage might solicit additional installs/feedback...
SyMenu beta 8.00

Gianluca wrote:
Well if the situation is as you describe, SyMenu is not alone in this mess. I hope MS can fix this behaviour soon because I can do nothing.

I knew this wasn't entirely accurate...

Unaware how much code you had to write, but I agree your solution is far more elegant.

The "virtual resizing" toggle improves many of the graphical glitches. (text isn't blurry at all. Just a little soft)
  • icons now match hitbox size
  • most text fields are no longer cutoff'
  • structure menu in options is displaying correctly
  • window title bars are no longer cutoff
Other non-critical glitches remain
  • checkboxes still overlay their corresponding text
  • top category/sort row is still cutoff in Item Manager
  • Virustotal/License Information is still cutoff in Item Manager

However... the text for the toggle itself is cutoff. So if a user doesn't know what they're looking at, it's unlikely that they would enable it.
Would it be possible to somehow incorporate the "Virtual Resizing" toggle into the initial configuration and/or post-upgrade experience?
Furthermore, enabling the toggle requires the program be restarted. Can that be automated? Or is an informative popup preferable?
e.g. "the program needs to be restarted for this to take effect".

That said - With this option, I would have zero apprehension about upgrading to 8.

edited by scentse on 04/10/2023
SyMenu beta 8.00

HUGE IMPROVEMENT on this new build!!!!!!!

(2023.10.13 - v.8.00.8686)
Zero glitches on the virtual resizing.

With the regular DPI scaling:

>Any critical UI elements which were previously invisible are now visible (i.e. "Apply All", checkboxes next to Status column)
>Grid/Table is displaying properly, even when resizing.
>Free Space bar graph is displaying correctly.
>Certain elements remain small, but functional:
  • Titlebar (titlebar element itself?, as the text remains large but x/- buttons are small)
  • Icons, but their hitboxes now match the icon size.
  • SyMenu/Nirsoft Suite tabs
  • Search field
  • Program information text is small (exception are the hyperlinks and VirusTotal icons) - **this is an improvement**

>Tree is displaying correctly.
>Checkboxes are displaying correctly.
>Many elements remain small, but functional
>Save and Exit button has text cutoff

>Checkboxes are displaying correctly.
>Most corresponding text fields are displaying properly
>Some corresponding text fields are cutoff.

Regular DPI Scaling Screenshot

Virtual Resizing Screenshot

edited by scentse on 13/10/2023
Control Panel - 'Devices and Printers' link

Sometime ago, Microsoft changed the linkage for the Control Panel's 'Devices and Printers' page to redirect into the "modern" settings page.
There presently remains a way to get back to the correct location.

The correct link is:

explorer shell:::{A8A91A66-3A7D-4424-8D24-04E180695C7A}​

This link appears to backdate to Win7.

As .NET 8's earliest target is Win10, I would think it's safe to proceed with updating that link.

On second thought, several functions in the legacy "Devices and Printers" page appear to be broken. Perhaps not worth changing.
The schizophrenic nature of the settings/control panel is as absurd now as it was when Win 8 released in 2012.

edited by scentse on 15/10/2023
SyMenu beta 8.00


2023.11.08 - v.8.00.8712 (.NET Core 8)

Wow. Looks Great. Nearly there.

Initially I didn't see any changes. The sizing was identical to the previous beta.
Seems due to

When using the Config from the previous beta, several elements continue to display incorrectly.

Deletion of the config, prompts the creation wizard for a new one upon the next launch.

The newly created Config functions as intended, with elements displaying correctly.

Fortunately it appears can be carried over just fine.

Item Manager

  • Title Bar text remains cutoff
  • Icons & hit-boxes remain small

  • Save & Exit text is cutoff

SyMenu Options
  • Text-entry field is cutoff on bottom edge.

  • Text-entry fields are cutoff on bottom edge.
  • Tooltip Selection entry is outside the visible window

  • Text-entry fields are cutoff on the right edge
  • "Show-shadow" text is cutoff
  • Checkbox entry is outside the visible window at bottom of list
  • The preview graphic is displaying elements incorrectly


  • The x & - buttons in the title bars for all Windows remain small.

SyMenu beta 8.00

Several of the UI elements reverted back after a few days.
Deleting, relaunching, & running the wizard temporary resolves it.
But once the program is closed & restarted, the UI elements revert back to displaying incorrectly.

I copied a "clean" before closing the program.
I then readded the "clean" Config back before relaunching.
But the problem remains.

Either some setting isn't being properly retained/respected or something is being rewritten on program launch.
Unaware of dependencies, but the only a few things change in the config .xml.

1. startMenuLocations add in host and x,y coordinates.
2. icons are populated
SyMenu 8.00

A quick update on my end.
I recently changed my GPU from AMD 5500 to an Nvidia 4060.

I was hoping that the previous issues encountered in the Beta - with many UI elements improperly scaling - were tied to AMD's instruction set.
But alas, that is not the case. The issue persists with Nvidia as well.

As for why the program displays properly in Win11 virtual machine's VMware SVGA driver, I cannot say.
Unknown if there is an issue with HP machines specifically.

SyMenu 8.00

Gianluca wrote:
I should try to execute it with the other available drivers but, I wonder, what's the point in that. MS is not paying me to catch their bugs, rather it causes me to lose a lot of time for this issue.

MS has burned many devs over the years. Windows Mobile. Silverlight. WinRT. And many more.
Just read MS is joining Google. They're getting their own "graveyard" website.

Unaware if updating the NET release breaks any dependencies, but I get your point.
Benefit-cost ratio: Suppose it's better to wait and see if it gets patched.

Despite the graphical glitches, no issues with functionality.

A new approach to the installation of apps

Gianluca wrote:
The update planning list is now on the right hand side.

Sure. Information is more streamlined in this orientation as Latin alphabet languages are read left to right.

Gianluca wrote:
And this is the version with a three only columns grid.

There exists a middle ground between the compacted clutter and the ultra-simplistic.
Certain refinements include:

1. The date format could be changed to
  • yy/mm/dd
  • mmm 'yy

2. Certain columns could be hidden by default (e.g. Version)
3. Status nomenclature could be changed to reduce column width
  • Available > Install
  • Discontinued > Final

4. Category names could be shortened
  • Files - Compression/Decompression > Archiving
  • Internet - Web Browsers > Web Browsers
  • Internet - Web Browser Tools > Web Tools
A new approach to the installation of apps

Gianluca wrote:
I only showed the two extreme situations but you can choose which column to hide except for Icon, name, and checkbox...

...The first time you open that form you'll find all the columns visible, then you can choose what to show and what to hide. From then on you'll find your custom view unless you change it again.

I thought this was a post on the default view...

Gianluca wrote:
Thank you American friends for this madness.

In the US. Not a fan of our date format.
My favorite format is dd mmm yy (2 Feb 24)

But yes, people get confused.

Gianluca wrote:
...It could be but remember that SyMenu is not only in English...

...BTW I would replace Files - Compression/Decompression with Compression and not Archiving because Archiving has a different meaning.

Probably a topic where we discuss the improvement of the SyMenu labels, messages, and text deserves a specific post.

LOL Language is super interpretive.
The interpretation of Archiving versus Compression is a good example.
But that's the general idea. Rather than 3 or 4 word categories, reduce to 1 or 2.
Abbreviations can also be appropriate (Miscellaneous > Misc.)

These were just general suggestions to clean up the UI.
Since you're interested in implementing,
I'll go through the categories in English and see what others could be cleaned up.
Cleaning up the program categories

Started compiling the list in a spreadsheet.
Must be over 100 categories.

Interesting you copied a format from another repository. I was going to suggest using the taxonomy of

More specifically, Categories and Sub-Categories.

I'm guessing that the search algorithm uses the category field as a variable to populate results.
Some of that "verbosity" is useful as relates to returning results.

Which system do you think is preferable?
Retain the single category field?

Or alter the syntax in the search algorithm to include a sub-category?

edited by scentse on 03/02/2024
Cleaning up the program categories

Gianluca wrote:
I would prefer maintaining the one level structure, shortening and, if necessary, merging the current category labels.
This is because we have a structure, made up of hundreds of SPS, that already works this way.

BTW the very moment I changed a category, nothing really happened.
The SyMenu suite remains exactly as it is today because the category field is not a closed field. The category collection I included in the SPS Builder is only a suggestion and the editor can write whatever he thinks is more appropriate.
Even during an SPS update the editor can use a category that is no more in the collection.

For this reason the transition to the new taxonomy will be extremely slow.

Sure. Good a plan as any.
Having the hierarchy might help if the GUI for discovering packages was ever changed to be nested behind links.
If that scenario ever arises, this process of merging the numerous categories would still be necessary

Another point you rightly mention regards the actual process of changing the many sps files.
  • Do you have a script which can change multiple sps of one category to another category?
  • Or must each sps be changed one at a time?
Who (the hell) are the SyMenu users?

Gianluca wrote:
We have a problem, a big one.

When SyMenu was only a simple stand alone program, knowing its users was not an important thing. Today, thanks to the SPS technology, SyMenu has become a hub for portable programs. And the conditions have changed, a lot....

It's a big problem because SPS is a fantastic technology and theoretically allows me and the others volunteers to index not hundreds but thousands of programs, but, again, it's a resource problem: my time, the editors' time....

The last problem is that I have no idea who is benefiting this fantastic system and, above all, how many SyMenu users really are....

Long post. A lot to unpack.
I discovered SyMenu a few years back when chocolatey & winget were being introduced.
Primarily, I wanted software that was synchronized between my machines through cloud storage.
This software was the superior solution then, and remains so now.

I imagine work on this project began long before I discovered it.
With that acknowledged, it's impossible to ignore the changes in the software development space.
Namely - OSS.

Giver the time/effort poured into developing SPS & SyMenu, there clearly exists a strong sense of ownership protection surrounding it.
Sometime back, I asked about open-sourcing the project, but it was shot down.

I wonder if there exists a way to offload some of the recurring maintenance components onto GitHub.

For instance, could the definition list database be decoupled, compiled, & stored on Github?
That way, maintenance of the database and those calls would be handled by Github; but with much of the code remaining protected.

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