1 hours ago
Merged my 2 SyMenu's into 1. Now use Rainmeter...
sl23Posts: 291
I had two setups for SyMenu. One for my main daily most used apps, and a second installation for every other app I use, however rarely. It worked well for about three years or so. But recently, I found it becoming a chore to keep both up to date, backing each one up, managing two separate SyMenu's was a bit annoying.
I started this as I got fed up having all apps merged in one menu. As apps I rarely use, just got in the way when looking for an app I wanted.
Now I've gone back to basics, set up one menu and coded a Rainmeter skin using a shortcuts folder to launch apps. It's not quite finished yet, in fact, I'm adapting an older skin to look like SyMenu and work in a similar way. The difference however is that you don't have the R-click context menu that SyMenu offers and folders are not opened in the same way as in SyMenu, they open like in Windows Explorer. You enter into a folder and come back out of it using a back button.
Still, I thought I'd point to it here in case anyone is interested. This is just a mock-up so far, no folders and looks will be changed.

edited by sl23 on 07/02/2025
1 days ago
Non SyMenu apps - Update them with Rainmeter skin
sl23Posts: 291
Yeah, it can be used to check for any changes on a website. So it's limited by your imagination only! and of course, lack of javascript support!
1 days ago
Non SyMenu apps - Update them with Rainmeter skin
GianlucaAdministrator Posts: 1298
Wow! I don't have an idea of what you can do with Rainmeter. You know, checking for website changes is a common task that a lot of people need. This tool can be really useful for a lot of other reasons besides the SPS checking.
2 days ago
Non SyMenu apps - Update them with Rainmeter skin
sl23Posts: 291
Not sure if anyone here would be interested, but if you like to use Rainmeter, I designed a skin for it that is similar to the PublishedAppTrack. It needs some user setting up, so isn't a one stop fix for everyone I'm afraid. All the instructions are on the skins' download page.
Basically, you set the RegEx requirements used to search a web page. It checks for a version number and a download link. Personally, I find it easier to use than PAT and it shows a visual indication of whether the app has an update or not. The download button will download the latest version.
There is a limitation of this functionality though. It doesn't work with pages using javascript. Like some of my examples, you may be able to get only a version info or download link but not both.
Anyway, I just thought it may be useful here as many people here likely use apps not included in the SPS ecosystem.
2 days ago
SyMenu 8.06
sl23Posts: 291
Thanks again
2 days ago
SyMenu 8.05
sl23Posts: 291
Thanks for your continued work!
2 days ago
sl23Posts: 291
Are you close to giving up on SyMenu? That would indeed be a real shame, perfectly understandable, but a real shame! Just sent a donation! I should do this more, I am so forgetful, apologies for that. You're efforts are so appreciated by myself and I'm sure others. If you do decide to finally give it up, I can appreciate the why. Don't feel bad either! You've done some amazing work here! Thank you so much for every single ounce of effort you have given to this project 
edited by sl23 on 05/02/2025
3 days ago
Ignore downgrade
B0nePosts: 4
Oh, I hadn't expected that. Wonderful, this new feature solves our little problem. Thank you so much for implementing it so quickly.
Best regards
3 days ago
Ignore downgrade
GianlucaAdministrator Posts: 1298
And the "Skip this update" feature is now available with the SyMenu 8.06 version.
3 days ago
SyMenu 8.06
GianlucaAdministrator Posts: 1298
And a new version is out. The most interesting feature I added is the option to skip an update for an SPS program directly from its contextual menu (https://www.ugmfree.it/manual#SPSFormUpdate). This feature allows you to maintain an older version of a program, for whatever reason you prefer that, or, if you already updated it manually, to skip the automatic update SyMenu suggests you.
If you have any other questions please let me know.
12 days ago
Ventoy wrong version
GianlucaAdministrator Posts: 1298
Yes, sorry my bad. I updated the SPS with the right version.
13 days ago
Ventoy wrong version
ronen1nPosts: 11
Hi Ventoy new update is so it must be a mistake
13 days ago
not able to log in for software
phoenix71Posts: 10
thank you,and apologies for being simple lol
13 days ago
not able to log in for software
GianlucaAdministrator Posts: 1298
I got it. The sign in form asks for your username (phoenix71) not for your email! Sorry I'm so used to checking for strange errors that I haven't noticed the obvious one.
edited by Gianluca on 25/01/2025
13 days ago
not able to log in for software
phoenix71Posts: 10
yes ive started fresh with a new copy from the site
13 days ago
not able to log in for software
GianlucaAdministrator Posts: 1298
Well... it's been a while... you have to update SyMenu to the very last version, otherwise it doesn't work and it's right. What version are you?
13 days ago
not able to log in for software
phoenix71Posts: 10
inboxed you
13 days ago
not able to log in for software
phoenix71Posts: 10
it has been a while since ive used the software as i was having problems with it, so i had to chage the password straight off, but its the same one that i'm using on here
13 days ago
not able to log in for software
GianlucaAdministrator Posts: 1298
I remember that another user had a similar problem. An unsolvable one. We tried everything and finally he changed his password and the problem was gone. Unfortunately he creates his passwords with a predictable pattern so he never discloses the cursed password with me and I wasn't able to understand what was the real problem with that psw. So try to do the same and, if the new psw works and your old one is not sensible, please share it with me so I can understand the problem and possibly fix it.
13 days ago
not able to log in for software
phoenix71Posts: 10
Yes ive tried that, and included a screenshot thank you