Sysinternals SPS Suite

The Sysinternals program suite, now Windows Sysinternals, is the Mark Russinovich system utilities collection dedicated to IT professionals and software developers.

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XCA X-Certificate and Key Management
SPS by mrx

Version: 2.8.0
Release: 2024-10-13
Category: Security - Encryption/Decryption
Size: 18004Kb
Not stealth:
Publisher: Christian Hohnstaedt
Web site:

This application is intended for creating and managing X.509 certificates, certificate requests, RSA, DSA and EC private keys, Smartcards and CRLs. Everything that is needed for a CA is implemented. All CAs can sign sub-CAs recursively. These certificate chains are shown clearly. For an easy company-wide use there are customiseable templates that can be used for certificate or request generation. All cryptographic data is stored in a SQL database. Features: - Start your own PKI and create all kinds of private keys - Import and export them in any format - Use them for your IPsec, OpenVPN, TLS or any other - Manage your Smart-Cards via PKCS#11 interface - Export certificates and requests as OpenSSL config file - Create Subject- and/or Extension- templates to ease issuing similar certs - Convert existing certificates or requests to templates - Get the broad support of x509v3 extensions as flexible as OpenSSL but user friendlier

If you get any kind of trouble with this SPS, or any other published by mrx: Please just contact me for support. I will help you to find a solution & maybe, by the way, you can help to increase the quality of SyMenu Suite & help other users. Thanks to and original SPS submitted by: P1R9T3

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