Sysinternals SPS Suite
The Sysinternals program suite, now
Windows Sysinternals, is the Mark Russinovich system utilities collection
dedicated to IT professionals and software developers.
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Version: 1.5.1006
Release: 2024-01-07
Category: Others - Live USB Creator
Size: 2448Kb
Not stealth:
Publisher: PassMark
ImageUSB is a free utility which lets you write an image concurrently to multiple USB Flash Drives. Capable of creating exact bit-level copies of USB Flash Drive (UFDs), ImageUSB is an extremely effective tool for the mass duplication of UFDs. ImageUSB also supports writing of an ISO file byte by byte directly to an USB drive (*). ImageUSB can also be used to install OSFClone to a USB Drive for use with PassMark OSForensics™.
GNU General Public License (GPL) version 3 or later.
You are free to distribute, modify or even sell the software, insofar as you respect the GPLv3 license.