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Creevity Mp3 Cover Downloader
SPS by VVV_Easy_Symenu

Version: 1.4.0
Release: 2011-08-21
Category: Audio - MP3 Tag Editors
Size: 1272Kb
Not stealth: %APPDATA%\Creevity Mp3 Cover Downloader
Publisher: Creevity Software
Web site:

Easily find and add cover images (album arts) to your mp3 files. No matter to which folder you move your mp3 file, the saved cover will be always there for you. Download now the software that will simplify your life: searching and applying the covers for you with a mouse click. Extended compatibility: covers will be shown in Windows, Mac, Windows Media Player, iTunes and many other players.


Creevity Mp3 Cover Downloader is freeware: you can distribute and copy it. The program automatically looks for mp3 covers on the web. Result covers are not guaranteed to be correct. Image covers are not property of Creevity Mp3 Cover Downloader. You are responsable for the correct and the proper use of this program.
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