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Cannot start from command line after 8.x update

I used to start SyMenu from a script (alongside other apps) and noticed since the 8.x it no longer works.
I've tried launching the app either from Powershell console on the standard prompt but neither of this method works. However if I double-click SyMenu.exe ... the application starts.
I've tried to update manually as described in a previous thread but this doesn't work either.
Am I the only one to encounter this problem?
Cannot start from command line after 8.x update

Ok, thanks for the fast feedback.
It works after changing the active directory.
However I've tried installing the "Microsoft .NET Runtime 8.0" and ".NET Windows Desktop Runtime 8.0" packages through winget and SysMenu wasn't starting if the working directory wasn't set.

edited by JackoBongo on 11/12/2023
Cannot start from command line after 8.x update

Isn't it possible to specify multiple search paths for the libs? Or maybe have an entry-point executable that actually starts the "real" exe file after correctly setting the context.
Just saying because the current behavior feels kinda weird to me.
Anyway, thanks for the great job Gianluca smile
Cannot start from command line after 8.x update

Gianluca wrote:
Taking along the needed libraries it's not weird, think that it's a behaviour Java has allowed for decades.

What I meant by "weird" was more the fact that dependencies paths are based from the active directory rather than the executable file location. But maybe this is intended with .NET 8.0
I assume it's not possible to generate a self contained binary where all libs are included right?

edited by JackoBongo on 16/12/2023
Who (the hell) are the SyMenu users?

Hello Gianluca, as far as I understand, you're maintaining alone the entire repository contains the list of software alone, which is obviously time consuming. I can understand you could make a paid version if it's too much of a burden to you (and I wouldn't blame you, no one should). But why don't you make it open-sourced? After all, this is how Homebrew is working. You could still have the final word on any word on any Pull Request anyway. And approve it when you want (it's not a big deal if we get a program updated 1 month after). And maybe find devoted volunteers to help you on this task. I know you didn't find people to help you to help you on the application's code, but coding is one thing, maintaining a software list up-to-date and testing it is an other thing (much easier smile ).
Who (the hell) are the SyMenu users?

This is where you're losing me: if you don't expect to earn money from what's you've done so far (and don't misunderstand me, I'm grateful for what you've done), why do you keep application and app update mechanism closed sourced? You're expecting people to steal your code and make a paid product from what you've done?
And, in the end, why do you keep working on Symenu if it's more than a hobby?

I do understand that maintaining the application list repo is a huge workload and I would understand you want Symenu to transform into a Freemium app (with the app-store behind a paywall). I'm not really sure I'd pay for that (I sure use this feature but it's not critical to me) and I'd rather give a couple of hours a week to update the app list (to test if the latest versions are installed and correctly run) to keep your project alive.

And once again, I'm not criticizing you in any way Gianluca, you've done a superb work. But, if you want to keep this work free, I would have thought you'd simply publish your work on Github where you could keep control of the sources while getting help from the community ... and maybe get an army at some point. It works for Homebrew (which has 6 times more applications).
Who (the hell) are the SyMenu users?

Gianluca wrote:

Indeed what I think is that in a month you won't be able to involve anybody, your SPS will be outdated, and you'll be discouraged and disappointed. And a bit disenchanted about GitHub powers.

The open source movement is terrific and works perfectly for mainstream projects. We have hundreds of working examples.

This is why I was asking why you're still working on Symenu. What are you expecting from it? Do you want to be able to earn a salary to devote 100% of your time? Or maybe you're sick of it.

Gianluca wrote:

But the great majority of the projects, even those published on the magical GitHub, are currently dead or maintained intermittently by the original author.

Ok, but I don't see your point. If a project dies or is updated twice a year, is it a big deal?
With the sources online, someone just could make a fork (or not).

Gianluca wrote:

SyMenu is not mainstream, the community that is helping is really strong and resolute but it is small.

I can't understand how GitHub can change that but I'm really impatient to be denied.

Ok, even if putting the sources online doesn't help, what could be the negative impacts?

As you wrote, SyMenu is a niche project. And putting up hurdles to potential volunteers doesn't help much.
And again Gianluca, I mean no offense at all. I'm just trying to bring some goodwill and, maybe, remove a bit of your cynicism out of your mind (but it doesn't seem to work so far).

BTW, I've checked the SPS format on a couple of apps and it is quite clear. I assume you have a couple of tools to make the new release check process automated.

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