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Absolute path with direct link folder

Hello Gianluca,

I use symenu with my pendrive and i want to create some folders with direct link. The problem is that i must use an absolute path, because in on of my computers , for example, the Download location is C:\Users\Username\Downloads, but in other pc , i have changed the default windows path to d:\Downloads.

I tryed to used this path:


It works right in the default download location but not in the pc with changed location.

I believed it was a windows malfunction related with the changed location, but i tryed the same scenario with another software that are in symenu suite: QuickAccessPopup. It works well with that path in both computers.

Can I try something else? Or help you solve it in some way even though I don't know how to program ...

I wanted to integrate the same QuickAccessPopup folder functions with symenu and have everything integrated into a single solution.I would be great.

Many thanks
Absolute path with direct link folder


Indeed, the tests that you suggest to do give the expected result that you have announced.

It is true that you could create a folder with the actual path d: \ Downloads and problem solved. But as you can imagine, I only want to have a single Downloads folder in symenu for all computers. If it wasn't possible, then I add two Downloads folders and that's it.

By the way, the mklink command you have suggested has worked perfectly. I knew it but didn't remember it smile It was great to be able to fix it.

Thank you very much for your interest and speed in answering.
Symenu stored in onedrive

Hello! i need to store symenu in my onedrive folder , but some programs,for example onlyoffice did not work or run right. If i store symenu in a non special folder it runs ok. Any idea about?
Symenu stored in onedrive

Hi Gianluca, i tried to run desktopeditors.exe and didn't work. Also the on demand option doesn't affect because symenu folder is selected as a online or always available. I can't remember what other soft i tried that response a little buggy.. i'm sure all came from stored in onedrive folder and his windows internal paths how are related. I have been using symenu for a long time in a normal folder without any issue.

Thanks for your reply
Symenu stored in onedrive

Hello Gianluca,

Unfortunately OneDrive does not allow you to host your folder in C Root, and moving the folder to another path is possible but often doing so stops working correctly.

I've created a batch file that executes a subst command with a virtual drive so I can run the program from a shorter path. Another of the programs that are also affected is Rambox. It would be of great help if you know of any utility that allows you to run a program by creating a non-existent virtual drive. I'm not into programming. So in the meantime I will make a batch for each application that I need. thank you anyway
SyMenu 8.01

Hi, I was surprised to find that you asked me to log in. I thought I had inadvertently activated something, until I got here and read the new release notes. I don't see too much of a problem with it asking for the account once and no more. If it were more times yes, because I usually use very complex passwords and I do not remember them and if it asks me again, I would need to access the password manager and that would already bother me. Anyway, I understand that there is an unpaid outside work behind the management and maintenance and whatever the developer suggests should at least be understood and respected. Thanks for your work.
SyMenu 8.01

jopa66 wrote:
I usually use very complex passwords and I do not remember them and if it asks me again, I would need to access the password manager and that would already bother me.

Simple way to create and *remember* long, unique and secure passwords.

The website name in ALL CAPS is what makes it unique. What comes after is a mix of lower case, special characters, and numbers that can be repeated indefinitely that only you know.

Thanks for the tip,it's good in general use, but not in my case for sites that must renew for expiratation date.

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