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SyMenu Published App Track
VVV_Easy_Symenu Posts: 159
Prerequisites SyMenu version 5.05 or higher + .NET Framework v.4.6.1
Description One of the tasks of the SPS publisher app is to verify the app updates. This can be done quickly by monitoring changes of the ChangeLog page or the download links page with any program. Inspired in WebMon (screenshots) by Colin Markwell, with this plugin you can easy track your SPS published apps. 1) The plugin collects your SPS published apps from the SyMenuSuite\_Cache folder. 2) In the plugin you can write: • Your own Track URL (for instance to the ChangeLog page), • The Start and Stop string of your track block 3) The plugin hashes the Track Block in order to save the web "photo" 4) In Track mode, it verify: • The Track hashes modification(¿Alert of app update?) • The download url and size (¿Is your published app ok?)
Nowadays, the web page protections make difficult a 100% sure verification, but I only have found 1% of false detection even in https protocol. And more ...., if you set empty the publisher name, you can get all the SPS Suite and sort by the creation an modification file dates. By default, it charge my own SPS Published list as example.
Installation Present in SyMenu Program Suite. Help:

edited by VVV_Easy_Symenu on 10/02/2017 edited by VVV_Easy_Symenu on 26/02/2017 edited by VVV_Easy_Symenu on 25/02/2018 edited by VVV_Easy_Symenu on 27/02/2018