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SyMenu Published App Track
VVV_Easy_Symenu Posts: 159
CHANGELOG: 2018.02.27-V.5.1: Download size test improvements (now works with SourceForge).
VVV_Easy_Symenu Posts: 159
CHANGELOG: 2018.03.01-V.5.2: Corrected little bugs of change the colors in second track or change the strings in edit track.
mrx Posts: 3
Just in case someone has the same problem as me:
PAT needs a certain minimum desktop resolution at every startup to build the GUI correctly. In my tests it was 1440x900. The display of my notebook is only 1366x768 and the result looks like the attached screenshot.
I almost went crazy before I got the idea to test PAT on my external monitor. The GUI is displayed correctly and can now be enlarged and also reduced to any size.
Apart from that it is a handy, well integrated and easy to understand tool. Thanks for that.
mrx Posts: 3
Update: I was able to view the source code of the PAT and noticed two errors that I made in the last manipulated exe file posted here. So here is the correction. All-clear: These errors only affect the strings - the program code is NOT affected!
Hi, it's me again.
The user agent string of SyMenu Published App Track is already quite old, which is why sourceforge.net has not been delivering web pages to SyMenu Published App Track for some time.
To work around the problem, I used a hex editor to change the string in the EXE file. Since then, everything has been working as usual again. Even a little better: some download sources were previously unavailable. If you are interested, you can download the manipulated EXE file below.
The old strings
- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:50.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/50.0
- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko
- Wget/1.19.1
has been replaced by these:
- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) Chrome/
- (likewise)
- Wget/1.25.0
The missing characters at the end have been filled with spaces.
edited by mrx on 10/11/2024
edited by mrx on 18/01/2025
edited by mrx on 18/01/2025
Gianluca Administrator Posts: 1313
Hi mrx.
For SyMenu and SPS Builder I use an old FF user agent and a recent Wget user agent. Usually there's no problem downloading anything with any kind of user agent unless it's too old but effectively you can have problems even with a recent user agent using SyMenu Published App Track (PAT) that presents itself as a sort of browser.
Plus the part where you hacked PAT is interesting but quite useless.
If I was in your shoes I'd try to ask the author the source code. If he still has it, I guess he will give it to you with zero problems. When you have the source code it's easier to make any modification and it could be a good thing to implement new features too. What about a rolling user agent? So when you don't succeed in downloading a page with the first one you can try the second and third ones. And even if VVV_Easy_Symenu has no more the source code, under his permission, you can decompile the exe and have the source again. I'm quite an expert with this kind of thing and I can help you.
It's only my two cents.
mrx Posts: 3
Hi Gian, those are two very valuable cents.
I'm quite an expert with this kind of thing and I can help you. Thank you, I would like to take you up on your offer. I'm just afraid that this is beyond my competence, even if the source code is available.
I completely missed the fact that symenu must also have a user agent. I think that if PET synchronizes it's with symenu's, everything should work fine.
edited by mrx on 12/11/2024
Gianluca Administrator Posts: 1313
So I try to contact VVV_Easy_Symenu by myself and after that let's see if you can be a good replacement for the PAT maintainance.