sl23 Posts: 292
That's great news. Thank you so much for listening and adopting my request. I look forward to the new release.
I do need some help using it though!
VVV_Easy_Symenu Posts: 159
As promised, now v. only in SyMenu Suite App flavour and with SPS Builder edit in double click. Warning: This version needs a auto SPS Builder Clean Update (change of the Main exe name). The script only preserves the *.txt file so if you have write your PAT file with other extension save it before update (and better use the auto load name 'SPS_Published_Track_File.txt' and always with *.txt extension ....) Note for Gian: SyMenu don't alert when it make a Clean Update. Perhaps would not be bad idea to alert for avoid loosing files. 'CHANGELOG: '2017.02.03-V.2.0: Futherly only SPS App flavour (not Launcher needed) named SPS Published App Track (PAT). ' Added SPS Builder call with local sps file copy (temporaly located in "SyMenuSuite\_Trash\_TmpPAT"). edited by VVV_Easy_Symenu on 03/02/2017
Gianluca Administrator Posts: 1298
The alert for a clean update will become annoying because having a clean update along with the need to maintain files is rare. I could think about a system to maintain some files in case of a clean update (scripting). So you have not to alert the users. edited by Gianluca on 03/02/2017
sl23 Posts: 292
Thank you for the update. I look forward to testing this out.
VVV_Easy_Symenu Posts: 159
Gian, the "Ignore en Update" files works fine and the copy in the _Trash may be enough but I think that the user must know that this update is clean. For instance, normally I clean the Trash immediately and if I know that this is a Clean Update I will wait a little. The problem is balance of the "volume" that the alert must be (in the SPS status, in the update windows, with a message box, ...).
sl23 Posts: 292
Just a minor error, you spelt "Double click" wrong, you spelt it as "Doble"
Works a treat though thank you.
I have another idea for further improvement/automation, but will wait until I get to grips with this thing first!
- How is SPS PAT calling the SPS Builder? Is it direct or via SyMenu?
It's just that I would prefer only a single instance to save having to close all those windows! Is that possible? If called via SyMenu, then SyMenu can limit to single instance, this would allow it to be user defined rather than set in stone. If called directly, can you change it?
- It is possible to open more than one instance of the same SPS file, not really a good idea.
- I've also noticed that you can open an SPS via a double click of either the left or right mouse buttons.
Would it be possible to have Left Double Click to open in SPS Builder and Right Double Click to Edit Selected, or vice versa? Or maybe a context menu might be a better solution, it would allow for future expansion?
- Would it be possible to auto load the Track URL straight from the relevant SPS files?
Maybe too much to ask? Just helps speed up the process.
- Could you add a context menu for copy/paste in the webpage section?
Just a few ideas for you to peruse, hope the feedback isn't too harsh, it's not meant that way. I hope to help improve the app. I understand if you feel some things aren't worth the hassle to implement, just some ideas that's all.
Thanks again.
EDIT 2: When resizing the Edit Track window from the right hand edge, it moves the bottom four buttons relative to the right hand edge. But the search field stays in place. So making the window smaller causes the buttons on the bottom left to disappear and the two bottom right buttons move left and cover up the search field. I'm on windows 10 if that makes a difference? I noticed the help screen has different buttons so perhaps you're on an older OS?
Maybe you could reduce the button widths, no need for them to be so wide? Perhaps have a toolbar at top of window? Or maybe add these options to a central context menu somehow?
Even though some bugs exist, you've done a great job with this and I for one am very grateful, so, thank you for this great addition.
edited by sl23 on 05/02/2017
VVV_Easy_Symenu Posts: 159
Thank you for your interest and help, sl23. The contextual menu is a great idea, it allows me resolve the TODO question of: "If the edit form remains not modal when I switch the form and return to the main one, and press the Edit selected button, the edit form should pop up again." Now the "supposed by user" : if checked, if selected are overloaded. And the Delete Track action in the edit form is not evident. With a contextual menu I think it will be more clear. The other things:
- "limit to single instance SPS Builder" I don't agree (even SyMenu allows open several instances of SPS Builder). PAT is for advanced users and is very useful to have several instances for copy/paste. In the TODO list there is a point of make possible several instances in the Edit form. And finally, is easy for the user limit itself.
- "open more than one instance of the same SPS file, not really a good idea" I agree but I don't know how to limit without a complicated code. Perhaps with the contextual menu will be more difficult open twice. Well, the unique good file is in UGM.
- "auto load the Track URL straight from the relevant SPS files". Really the Track URL don't have relation with the SPS URL's (Publisher web site or download Url). I will study to auto load the "Publisher web site" if not Track URL present in new Rebuild Apps-> to the TODO list.
- "Could you add a context menu for copy/paste in the webpage section?" I don't know but you have the default windows short keys Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V. Interesting but not priority.
- EDIT 2: You have detected some errors. Thank you very much, you are a very good beta tester. I want change the Edit Form to allow it several instances and not navigate between the selected items. I think is more useful because you can copy and paste easily and without download the web every time. But it takes some work of programming. ¡Stay tuned!.
Thank you again, sl23.
sl23 Posts: 292
Thank you for your quick response, no need to thank me, ultimately, it's a selfish act, as is everything in life ;-) I do enjoy it though. Anyway onto those points...
- limit to single instance - I can understand your point of view, others may prefer to have single instance? Hence my suggestion for calling via SyMenu. I'm afraid I'm having a little trouble understanding your English, generally it is very good but some parts are a little tough for me to understand the meaning of. The last two sentences here are an example, would you mind please elaborating your intention, sorry, might be me!
- same SPS file open twice - the danger here though is that you save one instance to UGM, leave the two open and work on more then forget which of the two is saved. If you save the wrong one to UGM then you undo your work. I suppose the sensible thing to do is to close both and reopen from UGM, but I think there should be a limitation.
- Auto load track URL - sorry, I realised my error here. But I thought perhaps you could use the download link from SPS files, then remove the part that contains the actual ***.exe/***.zip/***.file? Don't know if that is possible, just an idea. Not really that important, probably, but may be worth a look?
- Context menu in webpage - Thanks, I knew about the shortcuts, just that some of us prefer the mouse to fiddly keys! ;-)
Thank you for your time and your grand efforts, look forward to the next installment :-) Scott
Gianluca Administrator Posts: 1298
My two cents on the topic of the same SPS opened more than once by the SPS Builder.
It's not on PAT but it's on the SPS Builder. PAT could track any SPS opened from inside itself but the problem here is that SPS Builder is a completely separate software and it could be opened by the user in a separate context. So PAT can't have a complete view of all the SPS currently opened in several SPS Builder instances.
IMHO the utility to have multiple SPS Builder instances at the same time is terrific. When I update my suite I usually open three SPS Builder and while one is downloading and installing a program, I work with another instance. Or when I have to test a x86 and x64 versions I work with both, while the third instance is working on something else. I agree when VVV_Easy_Symenu tells that SPS is a technology for advanced users only, anyway, implementing a feature that checks any other SPS Builder instance and alerts if the same SPS is opened somewhere else is possible and I will do at sometimes.
I see another problem instead. PAT works off line reading the SyMenu Suite _Cache folder, while the most correct way to work would be reading the SPS online. But UGM for first is not ready for this kind of interaction. So my request is that when PAT opens you could check the _Cache content and if the marker file is older than one hour, alert the user to update it. It helps a lot to maintain the off line files aligned with the online ones. You could also force a refresh from PAT but it's a bit more tricky.
sl23 Posts: 292
I see your point. I don't mind opening more than one instance of sps builder, it's just all those bloody windows drive me nuts!
So, Gian, how would you feel adding tabs to sps builder? I think that way if an sps file is open, calling it again just focuses the already open file, same as synwrite does with text files.
I mean, these days, any app worth using has tabs, file managers, web, browsers, text editors, word processors, even some launchers.
The main benefit for me is that it's a pain in the ass looking for the window you want!!! I function better with tabbed windows, though I realise others prefer windows, I just can't be bothered looking through them so use single instances of non-tabbed apps.
What do you think?
VVV_Easy_Symenu Posts: 159
'CHANGELOG: '2017.02.05-V.3.0: Using contextual menu and allow several Edit form. And other little improvements ¡Enjoy!
sl23 Posts: 292
Thanks for the enhancements, can't wait to check it out. I am having trouble downloading via the SPS Manager. Could you supply a download link please. Cheers
Gianluca Administrator Posts: 1298
VVV_Easy_Symenu already puts the download link on the first post of this thread.
Anyway as a rule of thumb, when you have any kind of problem with the SPS Manager built in download feature, you already have the download url available clicking the little green arrow in the bottom left corner of the form.
sl23 Posts: 292
Ah didn't think about first post! Doh! AND I forgot about that button! Doh!
Thanks Gian
sl23 Posts: 292
Strange! The SPS Manager performed the update no problem, YAY! Excellent job with the update, fixing the resize bug too, marvellous! Can't thank you enough for your work, this will hopefully make things so much easier. I'm only half way through sorting the data out for my SPS tracks, but seems to work well so far.
Also could you set the default window width smaller please. Personally, I prefer about two thirds of the current width. Either set a default or remember window size setting would be suitable. Thanks
Oh, just one minor thing, at least I hope it is from your point of view too, is there anyway you could add ability to select a file to auto load on startup? Everytime I startup PAT, I have to load my sl23_PAT.txt track file, would be a great time saver. Thank you. edited by sl23 on 11/02/2017
VVV_Easy_Symenu Posts: 159
Thank you for yours works. By default, PAT charge "SPS_Published_Track_File.txt" if exits, and after try "SPS_Published_Track_File_example.txt" that always exists. If you change " sl23_PAT.txt " to ""SPS_Published_Track_File.txt" PAT charge it by default. The personalized name of file and size of windows are in relation with the ConfigPAT file included in the TODO list. Don't worry it will arrive.
sl23 Posts: 292
OK that's excellent, thanks.
VVV_Easy_Symenu Posts: 159
'CHANGELOG: '2017.02.26-V.4.0: Added menu bar and config file ConfigPAT.txt. Now Help opens forum topic.
If works perhaps the last version ... and the forum attach capability don't admit more
sl23 Posts: 292
Excellent, thank you for the update will test it as soon as I get time.
VVV_Easy_Symenu Posts: 159
New versión attached in the first post. Now needed .NET Framework v.4.6.1 to run but there is not too much users of this program so I think this is not a big problema. Thanks Gian for your help with the TLS protocol. In few days I publish the new sps version because I have some problems with the fórum máximum file attached length.
'CHANGELOG: '2018.02.25-V.5.0: TLS 1.2 protocol supported (but now needed .NET Framework v.4.6.1). Download size test improvements. . edited by VVV_Easy_Symenu on 25/02/2018