Open Config Form
Hello, I just stepped over this Topic and see the Situation like this: One is trying to create and manage the SyMenu-entries. Therefor one is doing (a lot of) editing/testing/reediting... In this process you always have to click many times to reach the configuration Dialog. It would be quicker and more convenient, if you e.g. right click (this is may Suggestion or use a shourtcut/mouse gesture like I think MicDundee wants) on a Symenu item to start the configuration menu. |
make folder-element displayable as tree
Dear Gianluca I use SyMenu a lot and I think it’s one of the best (at least for me) launcher. I use it on Windows XP, 7 and 8.1 for portable AND for local installed programs. I don’t use Windows Start menu any more. Only the Taskbar for navigating through my data. To get rid of the taskbar I would love to see one improvement in SyMenu as follows: - make folder-element displayable as tree and make gesture and shortcuts available with it What is it? it is just like SyMenu option "Host-Programs", but for user created folder entries. (this feature is also available as Symbollist in Taskbar of Windows explorer - don't know, if you can use this function in Symenu?. But if you do it in SyMenu you can have it all in one customizable GUI, you can even use Shortcut or gesture if you make this available with the folder element too) how to select? e.g. in Folder-Item-Dialog with Checkbox "o Show as Tree" What can you do with it? So you can create a folder entry %USERPROFILE%, and you can browse your Data-tree on every PC you log in with the same Symenu-entry or you create a folder entry (let's say %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu - with Option "o Show as Tree") name it local Startmenü and voila you have the well known lokal Startmenü. (Now available in SyMenu as Host programs) or assume your portable apps are located in the same tree as SyMenu then a folder entry of “..” will let you browse through your portable apps folder Even at the current mouse position, if you use a gesture for it (or with a shortcut, if you preferre) you catch the idea...
Screenshots of (hopeful) possible implementation:
Awaited result (when you click on menu item folder)
make folder-element displayable as tree
Well this will be great. For performance-issues: I think loading dynamically will be the better choice. I think this is the way Windows Explorer does it. You can have a Symbollist c:\ in the taskbar without Long delay. Thank you in advance. Keep on with your great work on SyMenu. |
New version 3.03
You're GREAT, Gianluca. Browseable folders and MyComputer with Control Panel makes SyMenu outstanding. Thank you very much.
Andreas |
New version 3.03
Hello Gianluca,
as I played around with browseable folders, I have an additional suggestion:
Make a subfolder clickable to open it (like you do it with other items in a folder). Maybe this can be done by rightklick (or double-klick) on the folder item.
Why: because when you browse through a huge tree, maybe you want to open a subfolder in explorer (or Windows Commander...)
Greets Andreas |
New version 3.03
Hi Gianluca,
I think you are right in terms of homogeneous use of SyMenu. If Executor Modifier works not only on the last "leave" of a folder tree, it wiil be fine for me.
May be I do it wrong, but in Version 3.03.5378 the Executor Modifier comes into play only on the deepest items in the folder tree. If you have nested folders, you can now only open the deepest nested directory with Executor Modifier "Open folder". (this way you can not open an empty folder nor any higher level) Am I wrong or is this your suggestion for the next Release of Symenu?
By the way, if Executor Modifier automatically changes to "open current item folder" if it is a folder, you can open it very convenient. |
New Executor-Identifier to edit SyMenu-Items
for quickly access to configuration-form
- add an Executor-Identifier to edit a SyMenu-Item (name e.g. Edit SyMenu-Item, maybe configure SyMenu item is less misleading) Why: because you can quickly call the configuration-form from SyMenu tree by pressing CTRL (4x, if you put the new modifier in the 4th position) and click on the desired item I don't know, but this should not be much extra coding, because the routines will be already there. What do you think? |
Universal Unit Identifier extension
Hello Gianluca,
It would be helpful (at least for some of my use cases) if you get the full path where SyMenu is located. So I suggest to
- add another Universal Unit Identifier (e.g. #~:\ ) which will be substituted with the full path of SyMenu, not only the Drive-portion where SyMenu is located.
Why: In portable scenarios you probably know the relative path to SyMenu, but not the portion in front of it. If you need the full path to an object you are not able to specify it. E.g. SyMenu is located on F:\..AnyFolder..\SyMenu. Assume you have programs located in F:\..AnyFolder..\SyMenu\ProgramFiles\another_prog.exe and you need the path for this program. You can not specify #:\\SyMenu\ProgramFiles\another_file.ini, because you don’t know then name of ..AnyFolder.. and therefore will not work. (Especially in network-locations, when different people are involved) If you had the full path to SyMenu (e.g. #::\) you are able to write #~:\\SyMenu\ProgramFiles\another_file.ini and this will resolve to F:\..AnyFolder..\SyMenu \ProgramFiles\another_file.ini Note: Sometimes you can overcome this situation by defining Workdirectory, but this doesn’t work on Networkshares with cmd.exe (the workdirectory will be set to c:\windows by cmd.exe!)
What's your opinion?
Greets Andreas |
New Executor-Identifier to edit SyMenu-Items
Just a quick shot: use CTRL+Number (e.g. CTRL+1 open folder, CTRL+2 properties, CTRL+2...) |
Universal Unit Identifier extension
I always try to use relativ path, but sometimes I'm forced to use the Full path. For example: I have PStools installed in ...SyMenu\Programfiles\PSTools\ (some .exe sits there) I want the following program item:
Pfad: %comspec% Parms: /Kpushd "%CD%"& (dir /D/on /p *.exe&echo.&echo Type Name of a Tool above!)
This works fine on a physical drive and on a mapped network drive, but NOT with UNC-path, bacause cmd.exe changes work directory to c:\windows. So I want to use
Pfad: %comspec% Parms: /Kpushd "%#~:\\SyMenu\Programfiles\PSTools"& (dir /D/on /p *.exe&echo.&echo Type Name of a Tool above!)
P.S: this is an example for PSTools, but I use some other Apps which make use of the workingdirectory on a network share. With this new Identifier, I can stay with relative path, no matter where the root is. |
New Executor-Identifier to edit SyMenu-Items
very good. You have to find a solution for SyMenu in Compact mode. Overlay the text? |
Universal Unit Identifier extension
You are right, I can use relative path. After a little bit (or more ;-) playing around, I found out why it did not work and how it works, but I can't tell why it works at all. (in a command window it behaves different?)
Anyway here is what works: Pfad: %comspec% Parms: /kpushd ".\config" &dir /B&echo Type Exit!
and what doesn't: (one space in front of &dir was missing) Pfad: %comspec% Parms: /kpushd ".\config"&dir /B&echo Type Exit!
Thanks a lot, your tip pushed me in the right direction.
P.S: I used a short example here for easier reproduction, which in real world makes not much sense!
Universal Unit Identifier extension
thank you for your detailed answer. @your technical digression: double quotes are sometimes difficult to handle, especially with cmd.exe. Because you convert long to short-names, I think this is why some things work, even with filenames containing spaces. Only a thought: windows can be configured not to use short-names, maybe you have issues then. I didn't try that with SyMenu, but had troubles with other Apps. @last observation: yes I am sure. "&"-character is used to seperate commands on one line. In batch-script you would normaly put each command in a separate line. If I run cmd.exe from within SyMenu there is only one line for parameter. So I'm forced to use this in order to execute more then one command (without writing an extra script).
The different behavior is another story. You can try it. Open a command window and type
cmd /k pushd c:\Symenu\config & dir
what it does: the parser sees the &-char and executes first command (cmd /k pushd c:\Symenu\config). The /K-Options tells him to stay open, so the 2nd command (dir) does not execute until you end the new cmd.exe with exit. Immediate after that the dir will be executed, but on the wrong directory (where you where before pushd). So far OK, but in a SyMenu program item they are executet both and you get the output from the wanted directory.
Because that is what I need, please leave it that way, but I do not understand!
Note: cmd /c pushd c:\Symenu\config & dir will not wotk either, same behaviour as above, but does not wait for exit. (/C-option means execute and exit cmd.exe) |
Universal Unit Identifier extension
I think I found it. At least I con do it in a ordinary command-window
the point is quoting. If you use cmd /k "pushd c:\Symenu\config & dir" then it works. So I guess SyMenu does the quoting by itself. (I used a Program-Item and %comspec% for path and /k pushd c:\Symenu\config & dir as parameter).
It's so easy, if you see it |
Windows Command Label?
if you add a new Windows Command item, there are two fields labeled with "Windows Command". If you are not very familiar with SyMenu, you have to guess where to put the title and where the command. Of course in every SyMenu item the first line ist the title line.
But if you label the first (e.g.) Windows Command title, and the second Windows Command it will be easier to distinguish. If you are working on a new version, it would be no big deal to change this, thank you for your great software. |
New SyMenu version 4.12
Great, very good enhancement with action modifiers. I waited for it... |
Windows Command Label?
Thank you, I tested it with new Version 4.12.5707. It is OK now in english, but not in the German translation. But this has time for next release. I don't want to be nagging... |
right Moseclick very slow when using Gesturemanage
I love to use Gesturemanager, but I have troubles under Windows 10. If Gesturemanager is enabled with right mouse, then right-mouse-clicks in other Windows-Apps are very slow. E.g. Properties of a file in Windowseplorer pops up after 5-6 secs. And it takes longer (almost double the time) for starting SyMenu compared to other Windows versions.
Using Symenu Version 4.12.5707 Windows 10.0.10240 I had this behaviour with Windows 10 Enterprise, Professional and Home on two different PCs.
Does anybody else have this problem? |
SyMenu Metro App Manager
Hello Gian, I appreciate this feature. There are possible changes from Win8/8.1 to Win10, because it does not work on Win10. (or because of preview)
When starting on Win10 It shows only DefaultBrowser and crashes with "Unbehandelte Ausnahme in der Anwendung" (it is a german Windows, it translates to something like "unhandled exception") maybe you already know this or is it a problem in my configuration? |
right Moseclick very slow when using Gesturemanage
Thank you for the link, but I think this is another issue, because of two reasons: - I don't have a nvidia-card in this Laptop (now I can reproduce the same problem on different hardware, HP-Pavillon, Lenovo Yoga2, Surface3pro) - problem goes awy, as soon as Gesturemanager is deactivated
Mybe it is the way how Win10 uses right/left-mouse clicks.
Any ideas what to do? |