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42 min ago
Can no longer open txt or pdf files.

Posts: 22
Why the shortcuts to programs don't end up in the personal start menu, I don't know. It's not something I control.

I tried copying my test folder to the personal start menu but unfortunately it made no difference.

I am attaching my test folder so maybe you can test and see if it works for you. The shortcuts must of course be recreated. (Normally I don't have both source and shortcut but for testing I did so to see if they were treated differently.) For "Visit" the folder "C:\Program Files (x86)\FastStone Image Viewer\ Website.url" must be created where the file "Website.url" is then moved into.

But the mystery thickens. I replaced the jpg file with a smaller one to reduce the size of the folder so it would be uploadable. Then it turned out that with the smaller jpg file it worked! The files contained in should be placed in the folder.
7 hours ago
Can no longer open txt or pdf files.

Posts: 1257
Posts: 1257
Topic: Can no longer open txt or pdf files.
SvenH wrote:
Would it help to look in my config files for SyMenu?

Unfortunately not because, indeed, everything is working.

These are my tests in detail.

1) I have a link to a folder that contains a shortcut to a web page and a jpeg file. When I launch them, they work.
2) To be really sure I copied the same folder to C:\Users[myUser]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\, drag and drop the folder to SyMenu to create the logical item, and execute the shortcut and the image the logical folder now contains. They work.
3) Then I copied the same folder under C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\, drag and drop the folder on SyMenu to create another logical item, and execute the files. They work.

So what is happening to you?
It's probably a problem with the Windows permission rules because the folder C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\ is not so friendly if you have no admin privileges.

I don't understand why you are using that one instead of the more correct C:\Users[myUser]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\
This is the folder Windows creates for you, it's a folder where your user is the owner, and where SyMenu can access with no problems because it itself uses your user to run.
1 days ago
Can no longer open txt or pdf files.

Posts: 22
SvenH wrote:
2. If SyMenu refers to a folder that contains shortcuts, only those shortcuts that point to programs will work.

2. When I now test, it works better than last time, but not completely well. Maybe I last tested with a folder that had parentheses in the name.

I now created a folder named "Test folder" in the path "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs" and put in various file types (txt, ini, jpg, chm, pdf, exe and two web links). What SyMenu was now unable to open was the jpg file and the one reference to a website, the one called "Visit" (see the attachments).

Would it help to look in my config files for SyMenu?
1 days ago
Can no longer open txt or pdf files.

Posts: 22
I have now done so according to your wish. Unfortunately it made no difference, see the screenshots.
1 days ago
Can no longer open txt or pdf files.

Posts: 1257
Posts: 1257
Topic: Can no longer open txt or pdf files.
There's something strange in your issue. I did all the due tests but I don't have any problem.
Maybe the problem is caused by those strange UTF8 chars you use in your shortcuts?

Please do this test:
- make a copy of the notepad++ shortcut
- rename the shortcut name in something more usual for example "notepad++.lnk"
- try to drag it to SyMenu
1 days ago
Placement on Windows taskbar?

Posts: 1257
Posts: 1257
Topic: Placement on Windows taskbar?
I'm already working on an option to activate the taskbar button for SyMenu. This way the pinning becomes viable.
The only problem is the button doesn't behave as one would expect. When you click on a taskbar button you expect that something will popup but SyMenu does not have a normal window like the other programs, it only has a contextual menu.

I did some experiments to make the contextual menu appear when you click on the taskbar button but, again, it seems unnatural. Plus since the contextual menu disappears when it loses focus, in some circumstances you have a sort of blinking because the taskbar button is still active even if the main control loses its focus, for example when you click on a SyMenu item... it's a mess.

For these reasons the new version will be released with the option to show a taskbar button that will have no use unless the pin one. I hope it'll help the same.
1 days ago
Placement on Windows taskbar?

Posts: 3
Unfortunately it doesn't, no. It doesn't have the option to Pin to taskbar in its right click menu, and if you drag it by force there, it won't appear or do anything. It'll also not work if I pin it in the Start menu. The pinned icon appears but clicking on it doesn't do anything. It also doesn't seem to like being called by another process, I've been trying to run it from my FlowLauncher bar but it won't start from there either.

I assume it's because it doesn't have a Windows taskbar when it runs. Which is a pity because it's the only reason I'm not using it as much as I'd like. I created a menu with shortcuts of my liking, but most of the time I forget it exists in the notifications area.
1 days ago
Can no longer open txt or pdf files.

Posts: 22
1. I now discovered that there are slightly different results depending on the program!
For example, if I drag a shortcut that points to Notepad to SyMenu, it works. See the image for the properties of that file. But if I drag a shortcut to Notepad++ it doesn't work, it ends up in a document container. See the image for its properties. Same problem with a link to a web page.

2. I will come back to this.
1 days ago
Placement on Windows taskbar?

Posts: 285
If you go to the SyMenu root folder, drag and drop the SyMenu.exe to the taskbar, doesn't that do what you want?
1 days ago
Can no longer open txt or pdf files.

Posts: 22
Gianluca wrote:
SvenH wrote:
There are also problems with parentheses, but it might work out with the solution you intend to implement.

Which kind of parenthesis?
"(" and ")" should work with the current version.

Strange, it doesn't work for me. I now tried three folders with slightly modified names. All received the same content, including a text file. I have added the following folders to the library C:\Users\Sven:
.BoL Bildred.(Ashampoo Photo Optimizer 8)
.BoLBildred. Ashampoo Photo Optimizer 8
.BoLBildred.(Ashampoo Photo Optimizer 8)

For the middle folder opening the txt file works but not for the others.
2 days ago
Can no longer open txt or pdf files.

Posts: 1257
Posts: 1257
Topic: Can no longer open txt or pdf files.
SvenH wrote:
Two more things that I think are incorrect.
1. If you drag to SyMenu a shortcut that points to a program, the shortcut is placed in a Document container and it does not work.
2. If SyMenu refers to a folder that contains shortcuts, only those shortcuts that point to programs will work.

I checked both issues but I found no problem by my side.

Could it be a problem tied to paths with strange characters? Have you tested the same issues with normal folder paths?
2 days ago
Can no longer open txt or pdf files.

Posts: 1257
Posts: 1257
Topic: Can no longer open txt or pdf files.
SvenH wrote:
There are also problems with parentheses, but it might work out with the solution you intend to implement.

Which kind of parenthesis?
"(" and ")" should work with the current version.
2 days ago
Can no longer open txt or pdf files.

Posts: 22
Two more things that I think are incorrect.
1. If you drag to SyMenu a shortcut that points to a program, the shortcut is placed in a Document container and it does not work.
2. If SyMenu refers to a folder that contains shortcuts, only those shortcuts that point to programs will work.
3 days ago
Can no longer open txt or pdf files.

Posts: 22
There are also problems with parentheses, but it might work out with the solution you intend to implement.
3 days ago
Can no longer open txt or pdf files.

Posts: 22
Thanks! Then I look forward to the next version.
3 days ago
Can no longer open txt or pdf files.

Posts: 1257
Posts: 1257
Topic: Can no longer open txt or pdf files.
Nice catch.It's definitely the ampersand character.
I think I know why this is happening. It's because the menu component I'm using to build SyMenu considers the ampersand (&wink as a placeholder for the accelerator key.
An example is due to better explaining my theory.
If you have a Movies&Series folder and link it to SyMenu you'll see a folder called MoviesSeries.
Please note that the ampersand is missing and that the S is underscored.
Everything works in SyMenu if you explore the folder content but whenever you try to execute something the path is wrong because SyMenu considers something like this: D:\MoviesSeries\MyTextFile.txt that obviously doesn't exist.

Strange enough I confirm your other observation... the executable files work the same...

Anyway now I'm able to reproduce the bug and you'll find it fixed in the next version.
Thank you a lot for the excellent job. You are a terrific bug hunter.
4 days ago
Can no longer open txt or pdf files.

Posts: 22
I think I have found what is causing the problem. If there is "&" in the path, SyMeny has problems with txt and pdf files, but not with exe files!
4 days ago
Can no longer open txt or pdf files.

Posts: 22
I have discovered a strange thing.

I copied the folder to another location so that the path would be short: "C:\Users\Sven\.B&L Bildred. Ashampoo Photo Commander 16". After updating the SyMenu with the new location, I again clicked on the button with the three dots located to the right of the "Path" box. Then SyMenu will not find all the way to the folder, see picture.
5 days ago
Can no longer open txt or pdf files.

Posts: 22
Junction points I had not come into contact with before but it was a good feature.

Unfortunately it didn't help. It's strange because it works when I click on the "Execute current item" button inside Configuration. Then the correct folder opens, which now has the path "C:\Users\Sven\SyMenu\1. Bild & ljud\Bildred. Ashampoo Photo Commander 16", but outside Configuration nothing happens. Even with the long path, clicking the "Execute current item" button opens the correct folder.

Incidentally, I tried referring to a file in that folder from the Start menu. I hadn't created a Junction point then, so it was the long path. It worked. I then examined the length of the long path and it is "only" 150 characters long.

edited by SvenH on 22/07/2024
5 days ago
Placement on Windows taskbar?

Posts: 3
Gianluca wrote:
No it isn't but it's a good idea to make it possible through customization. I'll put it in my TODO list.

Thanks for replying. Would be greatly appreciated, if it's not a huge deal to implement.

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