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7 days ago
Problems with installation

Posts: 1310
Posts: 1310
Topic: Problems with installation
Ok even if you have successfully installed SyMenu I don't recommend using that folder the same.
If you want to use it the same, the procedure is easier than what you did.
You can take ownership of the C:\Program Files\SyMenu folder or take "only" full control on it with your user even if MS discourages this kind of action.
7 days ago
Problems with installation

Posts: 29
Yes, I suspected it had to do with permissions so I tried with administrator rights, but it was the same result.

I previously had SyMenu in C:\Program Files so it should work now too. But I found a note I made earlier that it is not possible to install directly to C:\Program Files but it must first be done to another location, after which the files can be moved to C:\Program Files. I did that and then copied the Config and Icons folders there that I had backed up. So now it works.
7 days ago
Problems with installation

Posts: 1310
Posts: 1310
Topic: Problems with installation
It's really strange. SyMenu works exactly in scenarios like this.

What is the content of your [SyMenu]\Config folder?

I saw you choose to put SyMenu in C:\Program Files... You are really brave because that folder is restricted for security reasons. So it could be a problem of security (you don't have full access to the SyMenu subfolder for example). My advice: D:\SyMenu (no need to do anything after a reinstallation).
7 days ago
Problems with installation

Posts: 29

After reinstalling Windows, I am now going to reinstall SyMenu. However, it is not successful as I get an error message during installation, see attachment. The Config folder is missing. What should I do?
13 days ago
Batch import crashing

Posts: 3
Posts: 3
Topic: Batch import crashing
Ahh, okay - yeah, that makes sense. No worries - I know it doesn't make sense to add features if not many people will use them. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing some easier way of doing things.

Thanks again! :-)
13 days ago
Batch import crashing

Posts: 1310
Posts: 1310
Topic: Batch import crashing
mmlmrx wrote:
You are correct! :-) When I add those filters (*.cmd,*.jar,*.lnk,*.bat) the scan completes without crashing and shows me the results. That will be fine - I only have a handful of apps that launch via .bat files so I can add those manually.

...or you can launch another import filtering .exe this time and including the .bat.

mmlmrx wrote:
The first is that I still see a lot of folders and subfolders listed in the scan results even though there are no .exe files in them. Presumably those folders have some file that I have filtered out, so it knows not to show me the file but still shows the folders?

You are right. The behaviour should be different but implies the addition of an entire folder branch only if something valid is contained there inside. This means the add node function can't work item per item but on a batch of elements. I'll let you imagine the code modification I should make.

mmlmrx wrote:
The second observation is that I have my apps organized into subfolders, but there still are some apps directly at the root folder. So, I will do as you suggested and import one subfolder at a time, but is there a way to scan ONLY the root folder? Changing the "check up to level" value did not seem to have any effect, and the filter mechanism does not appear to work on folder names.

There is no way to scan only up to a certain level. What you are seeing, the check up to level x, is a way to flag the found checkboxes up to the level, not to scan them.

I know the batch import is a bit buggy but every user uses it once in his SyMenu life. And a lot of the new users don't use it at all because the SyMenu way, the suggested way indeed, is through the SPS Manager not the batch import.
13 days ago
Batch import crashing

Posts: 3
Posts: 3
Topic: Batch import crashing
Hi Gianluca,

You are correct! :-) When I add those filters (*.cmd,*.jar,*.lnk,*.bat) the scan completes without crashing and shows me the results. That will be fine - I only have a handful of apps that launch via .bat files so I can add those manually.

I did want to make two observations, though.

The first is that I still see a lot of folders and subfolders listed in the scan results even though there are no .exe files in them. Presumably those folders have some file that I have filtered out, so it knows not to show me the file but still shows the folders?

The second observation is that I have my apps organized into subfolders, but there still are some apps directly at the root folder. So, I will do as you suggested and import one subfolder at a time, but is there a way to scan ONLY the root folder? Changing the "check up to level" value did not seem to have any effect, and the filter mechanism does not appear to work on folder names.

Thanks very much for the solution!!
13 days ago
Translating Control Panel Items in SyMenu

Posts: 1310
Posts: 1310
Topic: Translating Control Panel Items in SyMenu
Hello BMX2k2,
You are right. There are several areas where SyMenu is not translated.
You found one but there are also some system32 tools such as dxdiag.exe (called DirectX Diagnostic Tool), mmc.exe (called Microsoft Management console), and others.
Then there is the search filter guide used in SPS apps form and others texts here and there.

Since in official languages SyMenu is fully translated why does this strangeness exist?
It's not because of a technical reason but it's because I can't push the translator's work too much.

The translators are dedicated, enthusiastic, extraordinary people but they are human beings with works, families, hobbies. SyMenu is one of their passions and they have nothing in exchange for helping the project so I don't want it to become a nightmare.
The only elements I cited before are more than 100 sentences to translate.
And BTW the lacking translations refer to specialized features that are probably accessed by users who know English.
So I think I'll never ask them to make it translated.

I hope it can be an understandable reason.
13 days ago
Batch import crashing

Posts: 1310
Posts: 1310
Topic: Batch import crashing
I thought of another thing.

You referred to 2.900 exe... but probably the treeview is forced to show you way more than this number if you have not filtered the results in some way. With the default filter you are probably seeing .bat, .jar, .cmd, .lnk files too.

Consider that every single element in that treeview requires a lot of graphical elements at the system level (the parent folder, the text, the connectors, the icons..).
These kinds of elements are called GDI in Windows terms and if a program asks more than 9.999 GDI objects, it is killed by the system.

With the numbers you are working, your GDI request is probably far more than 9.999 objects and this is the reason for which you are experiencing the crash.

There's an interesting thread about this topic in this same forum that teaches you how to check for this problem.

If you are in this situation, the only way to proceed with the batch import is to split your import in several sessions to prevent the GDI overflow.
So, as I advised before, choose a subfolder as a starting point, import, repeat the procedure for the next one.

Sorry for this but this is a Windows limit that comes from the mist of time and has no reason to exist today but here we still are for retro compatibility reasons I imagine.

Let me know if I hit the target.
13 days ago
Translating Control Panel Items in SyMenu

Posts: 1
I use SyMenu and really appreciate its flexibility! However, I would like to know if it is possible to translate individual Control Panel items when displayed in SyMenu.
I found the following line in the language file:
FormTaskBar_controlPanelItems = "Panneau de configuration"
But this only seems to affect the general title, not the different options within the Control Panel itself.
Does SyMenu retrieve these names directly from Windows, or is there a way to customize them?
If it’s not currently possible, would it be feasible to add this feature in a future version?
Thanks in advance for your help!

13 days ago
Batch import crashing

Posts: 1310
Posts: 1310
Topic: Batch import crashing
Naturally no.
We can work on the bug and fix it.

First thing, execute SyMenu from a CLI with this command:
SyMenu.exe -logger
This enables the file logger so when the program crashes you'll find a log file on the program root folder.

Second thing, don't scan the folders from the root but from a subfolder.
I'm not suggesting this procedure because it's the right one but because I need to know which kind of file crashes the scan.
13 days ago
Batch import crashing

Posts: 3
Posts: 3
Topic: Batch import crashing

I am trying out SyMenu for the first time. I open the Batch Import tool and point it at my Apps directory and click Start Scan. It runs for a few seconds but then crashes and closes without showing an error. I have tried using the admin version as well but get the same result. I tried changing the "check up to level" value to 1 and then 0 but that did not help. I am using Win11 with an I9-12900HX and 32gb of RAM. I did a quick search on my Apps folder and it found ~2900 exe files - but of course I don't want to import them all.

Is my only option to use the drag-and drop functionality instead?
18 days ago
A little help would be nice

Posts: 1310
Posts: 1310
Topic: A little help would be nice
jagg3127 wrote:
I don't want the plugin to run every time you launch an application I want it to not even be able to install anything. All I want it to do is change the shortcuts defined originally just like I had shown. If there is a simpler way of doing this through plugins that would be optimal.

It's not the way a plugin is intended to work. A plugin system is not an open door to do whatever the plugin wants.
The main program offers an interface through which you can interact with it. So it's the main program deciding what a plugin can do, not vice versa.
Ideally every portion of a program can be funneled through a plugin interface but unfortunately for your idea the SyMenu plugin system doesn't offer any method to interact with the item structure.
The SyMenu plugin system is at a germinal status because the needs emerged in the past were very few.
You are asking for a new need but IMHO it's too dangerous to open that door as I explained before. And not because I don't trust you but because once I open that door, it's opened for everyone.

jagg3127 wrote:
What programming language is it written in?

.NET Core

jagg3127 wrote:
I don't even need a script notify on program installation to be honest the plugin could run right after its installed find the folder and change the paths. It would have no ability to download anything besides changing the configuration of your downloads to be automated.

Ok so this is not a plugin but a simple program that is called by the user when he needs it, isn't it?
In this case you can dissociate completely from SyMenu. You can write a program that analyzes the item configuration file (it's a simple plain xml file) and modify it directly. Easy as a pie.

jagg3127 wrote:
Ok now I see what you mean by the plugin needing to run every time they clicked an app ok ok. So depending on the programming language we could have the plugin never ask for Admin and only the app you're running to be that cause if you run it you could probably have the app ask for admin so the plugin would never be able to download stuff. Yeah I see the concerns of security but its still a good idea for my use case even if its a plugin only me and some close friends use then I would still want to know how top make a plugin and which programming language it would be in.

If you are curious and want to practice with it, I'll send you the source code of a test plugin I wrote exactly for this reason.

jagg3127 wrote:
Ok I figured out, after some debugging of the two plugins I had, my issue is that I need to know what csproj file your using because I cannot figure out how to import the Libs directory into the dll. Or just inform me how, I could probably figure out the rest.

So wait for my message.
19 days ago
A little help would be nice

Posts: 4
Ok I figured out, after some debugging of the two plugins I had, my issue is that I need to know what csproj file your using because I cannot figure out how to import the Libs directory into the dll. Or just inform me how, I could probably figure out the rest.
19 days ago
Very Slow Startup on New Device

Posts: 9
So, with the excellent help of the author, the problem turns out to be a faulty USB drive. Thank you!
19 days ago
A little help would be nice

Posts: 4
I don't want the plugin to run every time you launch an application I want it to not even be able to install anything. All I want it to do is change the shortcuts defined originally just like I had shown. If there is a simpler way of doing this through plugins that would be optimal. What programming language is it written in? (I have actually never used ahk its just what i was handed and was gonna teach myself it on the spot cause its simplicity for what I was doing, manually. If it were automated it would be a lot cleaner and way better setup wise, would just take me a few days to port it to a plugin and figure out syntax and stuff.)

I don't even need a script notify on program installation to be honest the plugin could run right after its installed find the folder and change the paths. It would have no ability to download anything besides changing the configuration of your downloads to be automated.

Ok now I see what you mean by the plugin needing to run every time they clicked an app ok ok. So depending on the programming language we could have the plugin never ask for Admin and only the app you're running to be that cause if you run it you could probably have the app ask for admin so the plugin would never be able to download stuff. Yeah I see the concerns of security but its still a good idea for my use case even if its a plugin only me and some close friends use then I would still want to know how top make a plugin and which programming language it would be in.
20 days ago
Very Slow Startup on New Device

Posts: 9

Thank you!
20 days ago
Very Slow Startup on New Device

Posts: 1310
Posts: 1310
Topic: Very Slow Startup on New Device
Not at all.
Your subfolders are exactly the same as what SyMenu can create by itself. Maybe my explanation was a bit confusing. Sorry.

From what I'm seeing your configuration is extremely light and should be loaded in the PC as well as in the USB in no time.

So I don't know why you are experiencing this strange delay.
Can I have your configurations? Items and SyMenu config too. If you are willing, you know my email.
20 days ago
Very Slow Startup on New Device

Posts: 9
That's interesting. I hadn't really understood that before. In my setup, I have already created my own subfolders and then added new programs to them rather than use your subfolders. How would this effect SPS Manager's performance? Also, I have manually added many other programs that are not in the list of available programs in SPS Manager. Do these effect performance differently?

20 days ago
A little help would be nice

Posts: 1310
Posts: 1310
Topic: A little help would be nice
Now it's a bit clearer.

I've got a question for you.
If you abandon the original script to rewrite it as a plugin (I imagine you know they are two different things, written with different languages, interacting with SyMenu in very different ways) so as to improve it, why do you need the notification on program installation???

Follow me.
You are asking to be notified whenever a new program is installed.
I imagine you want to use that event to analyze what has been installed to find if there are multiple exe. In that case you want to create a new item that becomes the only launcher. I imagine you think to hide all the other executables already created for that program to prevent any kind of confusion.
It's a huge job, a lot of interaction with SyMenu and a lot of menu structure manipulation.
I doubt you can realize a project so ambitious and not because I think you are not able to do that but because I know how big and complex these activities are under the SyMenu hood.

But what if the moment you analyze the program executable is not the installation but the program launch?
If you write a plugin and not a simple script, you have a lot of powerful tools to use and you'll be able to make a lot of considerations about this launched executable.
For example you can scan the exe folder to recognize similar executables located there inside.
You can even recognize if the launched exe is for the x64 or x86 platform and check the other file you found.
With some smart rules you can even trust the executable names to recognize their architecture.
Or even show everything you found in that folder to the user and leave a blind (for your code) choice to him.
This way the plugin will be instantly available for any program already configured and not only with the newly installed, it operates dynamically, you don't need to create a new item for every program to create the launcher because the launcher will be activated from every SyMenu item, you won't need to think about the cleaning up because when a program is uninstalled a physical item must be deleted too.
Plus creating the plugin the way I suggest it seems simpler to develop, but it's only my two cents.

What is it lacking in SyMenu?
Today the only event available close to the program launch moment is an event that notify the subscriber AFTER a program is launched.
So what it lacks is an event notifying the subscriber BEFORE a program is launched and that can block the launch waiting for the user choice.

Ok... Frankly I don't like this kind of interaction because it opens an awful security breach.
If a third party software can execute anything, maybe even in elevated mode, the users are completely unarmed.

- the user launch Autorun x86
- the plugin block the execution
- then it checks the folder to search for something else
- since it finds Autorun x86, x64, and CLI, it shows the user a selection between the three
- the user choose Autorun x64
- the plugin download a ransomware and execute it
- the user sees the elevation request by Windows and clicks Ok.

When that script appeared for the first time on this forum I studied it and it seemed non dangerous at all because it asked the user interaction to define the two exe paths.
So no problem at all.
An automation like the one you are thinking about is really difficult to control.

Anyway I'm open to any further suggestions.

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