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Need help for testing a new thing (OT)

Well since my dear SyMenu has been a bit disappointing for me lately, my attention is ranging over several other topics: web development, blockchain software, video editing, and, the last one, Android app development.

This is a small community of fond and trusted users that are software enthusiasts too and I think it's the best place where I can go public with my new adventure.
For this reason I ask you if you are willing to help me test my just released Android app.

It's called Shades Master and it's a puzzle game.
Probably the target audience is the younger ones, but still I'm interested in testing it with seasoned and expert users.
Above all I'm interested in testing it in several devices because, as you know for sure, the Android world is highly fragmented, probably more fragmented than the PC world.

What I would like is to receive feedback, bug reports, suggestions... exactly what a lot of you do already with SyMenu.

Thank you for all your help.

Google play url:
SPS app management window bug


Indeed the SPS app management window is not always on top. In fact you can switch the window and the new one goes on top. If it behaves this way, there's something out of my control.

The normal rule is that, among the SyMenu windows, the last opened window is put on top of the previous one. It happens when you open SPS app management from the configuration window for example.
But even in this case there would be an oddity here, because the little download progress window is a child of SPS app management regardless of any other kinship bond of this one with any other window. And in Windows when you are the child of a parent, by default, you stay on top of your parent, like in real life smile.

Probably there's something strange in the two windows relationship too.
Maybe the download progress window is not a real child of the SPS app management window... I need to ask the postman here.

Anyway I'll try to solve the issue. In the meanwhile it is really important if you succeed in understanding when this happens precisely, because I imagine this thing is happening once in a while, so I can reproduce it.
Adding apps

Thank you for your detailed request. I will be happy too if we have all this new software in the suite. Let's hope Santa will bring some new editors tonight.

ronen1n wrote:
By the way I have 38.1 GB in the trash folder how can i make it stop backing the updates?

Usually there's always a single but powerful tool to do anything in SyMenu... the legendary book of the truth! RTFM...
Anyway, since it's almost Christmas and we are all better, that's your solution:

Happy Christmas
Bug in app shell when saving settings, window size

It's not your fault. It's MS.
With .NET 8 they fixed the issue I reported but the entire system granting the object resizing and relocating is still buggy.
You'll probably get a good result only with certain zoom settings with certain screen resolutions... In other words, it is a mess.

Since I understand MS has no interest in fixing all the other problems I returned to the first way of resizing SyMenu suggested by MS years ago. It's ugly and stupid but it works at the cost of a little blur on texts and lines.
For the new SyMenu installation this method is activated by default, for you instead, it needs to be set manually.

Go to this menu, check the last checkbox (Check this for issues on HD monitors), and restart SyMenu.
Repeat for all your installations.
29 days ago
7zip security

Dear SiggiSy,
Thank you for your report.

According to the article you linked, the 7zip flaw has been patched with the 24.07 version.
I released the 24.07 version with SyMenu 8.03 on June 27th 2024.
Today SyMenu is at 8.04 version and carries 7zip 24.08.
The next SyMenu version will carry 7zip 24.09.
So, as you can see, if you update SyMenu regularly, you'll always get the latest version of all the third party software it uses, including the compression libraries.

The first time I evaluated Peazip, several years ago, there was a problem with its CLI. As you can easily imagine, the CLI is the only way SyMenu is able to talk with this kind of program. I don't remember if at that time the problem was the total absence or a partial inadequacy of the Peazip CLI.
Anyway I'm curious on the reasons I should consider replacing 7zip with Peazip.

Differently from 7zip that includes the compression algorithms in its own code, Peazip is a simple launcher for the original compressing libraries. You can find them inside the bin folder. So why should it be better than 7zip if, at the end, it uses 7zip?
I'm ignorant about Peazip but what I'm seeing in using it are only cons:
- it weight more than 7zip
- it carries duplication on compression algorithms (see the overlapping among 7zip and FreeArc for example)
- it requires a double transfer when used through the CLI because I have to create a script for Peazip that Peazip passes to the right compression library.

But as I told you I'm a big ignorant about it. So what are the pros I'm not seeing?
27 days ago
SPS app management window bug

Finally I've found the problem.
To reproduce it you have to open the SPS Manager, install/update/delete something, and when you close the download progress window, things start to behave strangely.
The SPS Manager window is promoted to top most and if you install/update/delete something without closing and re-opening it before, the little download progress window has to stay behind the parent because it is top most now.
I'm working on a workaround and release it with the next SyMenu version. So stay tuned.
27 days ago
Adding apps

Well Santa strikes back! He brought me a new editor smile

When a new editor starts with his first attempts, the publication is not automatic so I can help with a revision.
For this reason you can upload with no fear and let's see if it works.
27 days ago
Adding apps

ronen1n wrote:
For some apps like x64dbg I want to add/download plugins after the install of the main app.

The scripting engine I wrote is not able to do that. The only way to succeed in creating and distributing a new package that includes the plugin too.
I strongly advise against it because this kind of setup is not what the author intended and because you have to create a new package for every new program version. it's not worth it.

ronen1n wrote:
If I want to delete the app but save few folders or files that won't delete like the plugins folder in case of reinstall

It's perfectly feasible using the SPS builder "Ignore on update" field.
23 days ago
Joplin 3.2.8 does not exist

Every SPS has the right information to contact the editor.

Someone put his email address, someone a link for a contact form online. You find this information selecting the SPS in Manage SPS apps form and clicking on the link Contact reviewer.
18 days ago
SyMenu 8.05

Hi community.
I've just released the first SyMenu version of the 2025.
There are some little news but above all some very important bug fixes the most annoying one was the SPS downloading window unwanted top most problem.
For any other detail please check the changelog and let me know if something has gone wrong.
16 days ago
Ignore downgrade

B0ne wrote:
[...] it would be nicer if I could simply prevent the update

I agree with you... It could be a really nice update.

I've got an idea that IMHO can work very well.
SyMenu decides when a program needs to be updated by checking a special file you can find in every root program folder: it's called "x.y.z.sps.version".
This file is empty but its name contains the version for the current program.
So for example if Joplin is updated at version 3.2.11, the file will be named "3.2.11.sps.version".
This raw and crude system is needed because it is really difficult to check a version program from the executable itself (I've already spoken about this problem so I won't repeat myself) and because SyMenu really needs to know the current program version to suggest there's an update on the way.

So SyMenu can make available a function called "ignore this version".
When you apply it to a certain SPS, the program won't be reported as updatable until the next version.
Unfortunately SyMenu doesn't have a local DB where it can track this kind of data because it works only with physical files so the only way I have to implement this feature is to leverage the "x.y.z.sps.version" file.

Simply when the user chooses to "ignore this version" I can rename the file with the available version that needs to be ignored.
This way SyMenu thinks the program is updated and won't suggest there's a new package for it, but the program remains at the previous version.

It's not a great solution because it implies a misalignment between what the SyMenu thinks about that program and the real program version.
Anyway it fixes the problem with a little effort on my part and an easy interaction for the user.

What do you think about that?
10 days ago
not able to log in for software


Have you tried to logout here and login again? Because the password you remember could be an old one.

When you are logged in here, did you check your email in your profile?

But above all, what is the precise error message?
10 days ago
not able to log in for software

I remember that another user had a similar problem.
An unsolvable one.
We tried everything and finally he changed his password and the problem was gone.
Unfortunately he creates his passwords with a predictable pattern so he never discloses the cursed password with me and I wasn't able to understand what was the real problem with that psw.
So try to do the same and, if the new psw works and your old one is not sensible, please share it with me so I can understand the problem and possibly fix it.
10 days ago
not able to log in for software

Well... it's been a while... you have to update SyMenu to the very last version, otherwise it doesn't work and it's right.
What version are you?
10 days ago
not able to log in for software

I got it.
The sign in form asks for your username (phoenix71) not for your email!
Sorry I'm so used to checking for strange errors that I haven't noticed the obvious one.

edited by Gianluca on 25/01/2025
9 days ago
Ventoy wrong version

Yes, sorry my bad.
I updated the SPS with the right version.
21 hours ago
SyMenu 8.06

And a new version is out.
The most interesting feature I added is the option to skip an update for an SPS program directly from its contextual menu (
This feature allows you to maintain an older version of a program, for whatever reason you prefer that, or, if you already updated it manually, to skip the automatic update SyMenu suggests you.

If you have any other questions please let me know.
21 hours ago
Ignore downgrade

And the "Skip this update" feature is now available with the SyMenu 8.06 version.

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