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New SyMenu version 6.10

The bug you found is really nice.... Who knows what the poor NirSoft suite did against the black theme to deserve this... smile smile smile
Naturally I'll fix it in the next version.

Anyway if you or anybody else found some graphical problems with the new beta feature, please open a new thread in the right discussion ( so we can collect all the reports in one single place.
Thank you.
Update Error

Yes, if the update gone wrong you can have this serious error.

To solve the problem delete this files from the SyMenu root folder:


and remove the two folders

The Lib folder is the new location where the libraries are now.

When you are done, run SyMenu and please report here if the solution works for you.

edited by Gianluca on 27/01/2020
Nirsoft update issues

NirSoft suite, differently than SyMenu suite, is updated once a month. The next update is scheduled for the 19th of February.
This is one of the reasons for which I intend merge the NirSoft with the main suite, as I already done with Sysinternals. This way NirSoft will have the same frequent update that the main suite.
Update SSL Error

SyMenu is able to connect with any TLS protocol available today but...

The TLS 1.1 protocol is available only in .NET 4.0 and upper.
The TLS 1.2 protocol is available only in .NET 4.0 and upper.
The TLS 1.3 protocol is available only in .NET 4.5 and upper.

SyMenu is a good animal and needs .NET framework 2.0 or upper but is able to work at its full only with the very last .NET framework.

The Angry IP Scanner is downloaded from that implements the TSL 1.2.

So the question is: "Which is the installed .NET framework in your PC?"
Google chrome outdated

Unfortunately PortableApps is not a viable solution.

PA "self-proclaims itself as an open and friendly community" but indeed it is not so open neither friendly as it seems.

You can search on Google to know the war they declared to SyMenu and to Lupo Pen Suite and to ASuite and who knows how many others launchers.

Do you remember the Microsoft ways at the beginning of their history?
If you don't, please watch this Simpsons interpretation to refresh your memory:

Well PA has very similar manners, without the money part... smile
If you are curious about the topic you can start your reading from this thread:

I'm not saying that people belonging to PA community are conscious about this evil attitude. On the contrary, they contribute with their work, enthusiasm, and free time to create the PA program suite for free and I guess they would like their programs could be also used outside the boundary of the PA official launcher. I imagine they can even bear that SyMenu, the terrible PA enemy, could be one of the user...

Unfortunately the reality is far different because at the top of PA pyramid there is a person who has completely different ideas from his entire community.

edited by Gianluca on 23/03/2020

It's because we have adopted the portapps version because of the better portability.
Please search for qBitTorrent among the programs and you'll find it.
The SyMenu Portable Suite

You can do whatever you like in SyMenu!

What you got in your menu is only a first configuration for a (too) greedy user smile (sorry for the little joke)

I mean it's only your starting point and, from now on, you can organize your programs in the way you like more.

The SyMenu update process is not tied to the logical items organization but to their physical folders organization. If you explore you FS you'll see that all those categories don't exist and every program is located inside a single folder named accordingly.

You can't mess with the FS but you can do any kind of reorganization on your logical items.
You can even duplicate a logical item for whatever reasons and SyMenu will update either because, indeed, there are no duplication on FS.
What I discourage to do is removing any logical link to a physical program because, in that case, SyMenu will think you don't care anymore that program and will remove it from the FS too.

I hope I have helped you.
The SyMenu Portable Suite

Button Opacity

Hi Jean-Louis.
No I'm sorry it's not a customizable value and there is no workaround to fix it.
I should work on it to make it available at least on the configuration, but before that, I need to know if someone else have the same need.

Well I don't know where you live, (France?) but here it's not a strange period, it's the most terrible period since the WW2.
We have a lot of sick people and unfortunately too many dead.

This f***king virus is exterminating our older generations, parents, grandparents... It's a tragedy.
Update SSL Error

Ok this looks really strange but I doubt it's a SyMenu problem.
I have exactly the same .NET framework installed and I'm updating VS Code with no issue.
Could it be your Antivirus software?
Or the Firewall settings?
As a workaround download the package with your browser and install the outdated programs with a righ click - update from local package.
But please try to verify your security settings before because the program is working well.
.NET unhandled exception

Dear Glenn,

You have a very old version.... SyMenu 6.01 is coming from the 2017...
From that version a lot has changed and above all the file organization has changed.

It's true, in the manual there is no clue regarding the manual installation. It's because the manual installation is so easy... unzip the package and overwrite everything in you working folder. This way all the configurations and programs will be preserved.

But this is true only for the same program family version and you are on the older one.

So for a manual installation, you - you and not any other user because you have that version - need to delete all the files from the SyMenu root folder (carefull! Files and not folders) plus the folders x64 and x86. Now you can unzip the new package in the root.
Just to know, the sacred folders you have never to touch are: Config and ProgramFiles.

Let's analyze your issue now.

I haven't understand well the configuration of your read only Dropbox but it seems that you forced the read only status on Dropbox itself. This way all the people using SyMenu are not in a real read only state, but they can change whatever they wont and then Dropbox refuses to synchronize it. Is it true?
If it is the real scenario I advise you to help the users and their local SyMenu installations to understand that they are working in read only mode.

How? Simply put a read only placeholder file named READONLY in the root folder ( When you need to update the master copy of SyMenu or its programs, rename the file without synchronizing it in Dropbox, update what you need, then activate again the READONLY file, now synchronize. Or use the named READONLY file.

The use of READONLY file is flexible but as I assert in the manual is not a security measure. In your case it's only a way to help your users.

Ok now let's analyze your issue more precisely.

IMHO it's not a problem related to SyMenu but it's tied with external elements. If I well understand the problem, it affects your read only copy and not the other users copies.

In this case it could be a problem in Windows security permission. SyMenu is able to work with at least Read and Read & Execute permissions otherwise it breaks.
Or you have a problem with the user you use to work with SyMenu. Authorize it on every SyMenu folder with the right permission.

And please report your outcomes.
.NET unhandled exception

Glenn wrote:
I missed out on any significance of Program Files. I see in my saved copy of old SyMenu that my Program Files in my shared area where this happened, has nothing in Program Files.

Your configuration is unusual but perfectly legal. Probably you installed all your programs in a different folder than ProgramFiles and SyMenu really doesn't care where you install your them because it is able to solve with relative paths every path on the same unit (your case I suppose) and with absolute paths every path on different units.
The ProgramFiles folder is a suggested location for your programs, not mandatory anyway.

Glenn wrote:
I described what I actually did: installed SyMenu elsewhere, copied by Config folder content to the new Config folder, and then copied everything back on top of my shared area. So maybe I have some old files left over? So far, they aren't causing problems, but are probably consuming space. So now I've deleted the whole shared SyMenu folder, and copied again from my new install that has only the Config folder added. Since my Program Files was basically empty, that should suffice.

Yes, in your case it is.

Glenn wrote:
I think I'm remembering now why I turned off the updates 3 years or so ago: the SPS packages changed far more frequently than SyMenu, and I'm not using any of them, but am using SyMenu with my own programming. So I guess if there was a way to turn off updates for the SPS packages separately from SyMenu itself, I might be more inclined to keep SyMenu itself up-to-date. But it became annoying to get update notices for stuff I don't use. Maybe I should put something in my calendar to update SyMenu once a year or so...

If you are referring to the SPS package updates, you won't have notices unless you've installed one of them. SyMenu silently update the SPS definition but never bother you about that. If you installed one of the SPS program and that one is outdated, the new definition wakes up your SyMenu that notifies you. But, again, it seems not your case.
If instead you are referring to the new SyMenu features related to the SPS, well you have to update SyMenu because SPS and the other features are strongly tied together, you can't choose what you want and what you don't. I recommend everyone to update SyMenu as soon as a new version is available.

Glenn wrote:
The lengthy stack trace that was included in the dialog seems to indicate that .NET was involved in the issue. That likely has changed signfiicantly in the 3 years since I updated SyMenu. You may well have adjusted to minor, probably planned and announced, possibly incompatible changes over time. I do not use or track changes in .NET, but I see it get updated with Windows Update from time to time. So the old SyMenu might have been using a now-deprecated .NET feature, or might have had a latent bug that some fix to .NET caused you to fix... but that I didn't get.

.NET is not related to the error you got but since it's the platform on which I develop SyMenu, it simply communicates you that an error has happened.
If an old .NET framework becomes incompatible with SyMenu I will notify the user appropriately. So if you are able to execute SyMenu, don't worry about the .NET framework.

Instead if you maintain the framework updated, Windows does the work for you, you can eventually have new features in SyMenu but the program won't be broken by an old .NET version.

Glenn wrote:
The new version is working for me in both read-only and read-write access.

Since you copy all the SyMenu files back and forth you probably fixed the Windows security configuration. It's not related to the new SyMenu version in my opinion.
New SyMenu version 6.11

Dear SyMenu users,

A new version is finally out.
For a complete changelog, please go to the download page.

Here I would like to only explain the main feature for this release.

A lot of people told me that the SPS installation commands are not so clear.

It's true. If you are used to massively manage your SPS (like me) you check the programs you want to update/install/delete and apply the massive action with the "Apply all" button. For me it's quite clear.

But if you want to manage a single app the massive button is counterintuitive... why the hell I should do something like "Apply all" when my intention is to install a single program?

To solve this problem In the past I added the program contextual commands. So for those who still doesn't know it, try to right click on every SPS row and you'll see all the special options for that program.

Naturally the contextual menu is sensible to the context (really...?) and offers to you only the commands suitable with that particular program.

To explain better you don't find a delete option for a program you have not installed yet.

But again the contextual menu is not so intuitive.

So what?

Well the solution is simple. Now you have the management command directly in the program detail box, near the program title.

I hope now these three ways to interact with your SPS suite program, could be enough for all and intuitive enough to allow you not to read the manual..

By the way guys, RTFM.... always.

Filezilla repository not found

You have to update your program definitions and try again (
The Filezilla has been updated since yesterday and probably you still had the old definitions.
Filezilla repository not found

You can choose the minumun update interval (1 day) and SyMenu will do the job for you.
The immediate update is possible with the special button but it does nothing if you have already update the definitions in the same day.
It's only a way to spare resources on my web
TrIDNet-1.95.Defs.24042020 Error - Internet needed

I can answer to this.

The candidate editor posts his new SPS, I review it and explain what has to be changed to be entitled for publication. Then, after some recursions, when the SPS is quite good, I'll publish it.

But usually this kind of conversation is private, not because there is some secrets but because the SPS world is so complex and wide that an information useful for one editor and one particular program, is almost always useless for another editor.

I should create a wiki for this topic but my time is very limited and this project is always postponed.

For example, your Audiograbber SPS place a new issue I've never seen before: you put the program description in German, while we only publish SPS in English. It's an information useful for you but useless for every other editor.

Are your two SPS interesting?

Yes sure, even if Audiograbber is so dated. I don't care much if a program is old if it is useful.

And MuseScore is probably the only program of its kind in the entire suite.

So both your SPS are valuable but, despite this, I won't publish them because of your assertion:

B.Wettengel wrote:
Because my time is very limited, I'm afraid, I am no good publisher.

The most important thing in the SyMenu suite is the suite maintenance. When an editor posts some SPS I ask him to keep them updated, I ask him to reply to the users requests, I expect him to come into play as an active member, not as an occasional one. I don't think you have the time for this so sorry, your SPS won't be published.

B.Wettengel wrote:
Then I looked at "Ahnenblatt". Version2.98 is available in the SyMenu-Suite. But there are newer Versions available, BUT they have to be paid (or lesser functions available). How do you deal with that? I can think about two ways: a) make a fork and keep the old one or b) make only a new Version.

Our policy is to avoid every paid program. SyMenu publishes only free programs so the only viable option is the first one: publish the latest free version.

Anyway, thank you for your effort. If another editor is willing to take your SPS, especially MuseScore, I'll be happy to give it to him.

edited by Gianluca on 05/05/2020
Unxpected error next to install v.6.11.7419

It's never a good idea to update manually unless the automatic update is not working for any reason.
And you are trying to do a version jump that is not so easy.
Anyway read here and try to clean up the mess.
And if everything works again please report it.
Unxpected error next to install v.6.11.7419

Thank you but I prefer a lower role such as you "friendly neighborhood jedi" Darth Lightsabers
TrIDNet-1.95.Defs.24042020 Error - Internet needed

Thank you VVV_Easy_Symenu.

Know what?
It seems that creating a folder under the program bin folder and redirecting the USERPROFILE environment variable, MuseScore starts to act as a real portable application, writing its things under this new folder instead of AppData\Roaming one.

In the SPS it's a matter of two lines:

However I noted a possible issue: the process MuseScore3.exe remains active in the Task Manager even after the program closing.
It's annoying because if you started it from a removable drive, you can't remove it.
Anyway I think it's a problem related to the program so we only have to alert the users with a tiny note in the SPS.
Request menu navigation

A fast workaround.
Since you have to use the keyboard to make a search, why don't you use a special keyboard shortcut to make the search appear?
This way you don't need to use the mouse to click search, move the cursor on the side menu, leave the mouse and use the keyboard to type your searching text. Your hands will stay on the keyboard for the whole time typing the shortcut plus the text searched.
Could it work for you?

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