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The reorganized SPS Manager

Very nice!!! Great job you've done there Gian.
My only criticism would be to increase the spacing between the new auto update feature and the four buttons below it. Something like the spacing between the Search and Bin buttons.

EDIT: on second thoughts, wouldn't it be best to keep the Bin and auto update buttons at the top of this 'sidebar' panel? Not too sure, maybe just add the spacing?
edited by sl23 on 19/04/2017
The reorganized SPS Manager

On another note, do we really need the option to remove an app? I mean, all you need to do is tick the box and apply, job done.

Also, the drive bar would be more aesthetically pleasing if it were the same width as the App Description above it.
Additionally, how about getting rid of that gradient and changing the colour to a light blue to match the rest of the 'theme.'

(See attachment in email, couldn't post pic here.)
edited by sl23 on 21/04/2017
The reorganized SPS Manager

I've just noticed, will you be adding the Bin size info next to the icon still?
The reorganized SPS Manager

Thanks for the feedback.
May I make some minor criticisms though...
1. The previous layout was neater.
2. Auto trash may not be such a great idea. I have been saved several times by this great backup system.
3. Love the trash tooltip idea.
4. Good point about Remove App, didn't realise that.
5. My intention for the drive bar was to simply be shortened a few pixels so it's right hand edge would be in line with the App descriptions right hand edge.
The reorganized SPS Manager

Thanks Gian.
It's just things look neater when applied to an invisible grid. Sometimes this is unnecessary, but in this instance, I think it's required.
The reorganized SPS Manager

Thanks, look forward to it
The reorganized SPS Manager

Great job. Thanks for all your hard work here.
May I ask, if for example, I set the auto-update to 1day, When does the check occur? On first startup of that day? Then it gets ignored until the next day?
Personally I preferred the layout with Apply and Update buttons below the search function.
But looks great and can see more of the app description now.
Didn't auto check on start up though!
But did check other suites when I clicked their tabs
edited by sl23 on 29/04/2017
The reorganized SPS Manager

Gianluca wrote:
sl23 wrote:
Didn't auto check on start up though! But did check other suites when I clicked their tabs

Can you explain me better? How do you know it didn't check the main suite? Have you checked the file in the _Cache folder?

I'll check this tomorrow, to be sure.
I know it didn't check as the three green dots didn't show up until I clicked the Update button. Also, once the update had been checked, there were new updates available.

Not sure if this is just me, but I think it would be more ergonomical if the Update, Apply and those other buttons would be best suited between the Search functions and the Bin and Exit buttons. Currently, you scroll the list, so you're going down the screen ticking boxes, then to Apply you go back up the screen. It would be closer if, as stated, the Apply was 2/3 or 3/4 the way down the right hand side. Just my opinion.

One other thing, the info tip for the Update button say this function is per Suite, but it seems to act globally as it doesn't change when you switch suite tabs.
edited by sl23 on 01/05/2017
The reorganized SPS Manager

I've just opened the SPS Manager expecting it to auto-check for updates, but it hasn't, am I right in thinking that is how it works?

Thanks for looking at the layout further wink

Not sure if I explained clearly, wrt Update button. I meant the button says the function is per Suite, but the slider does not have a per Suite value, only a global one. If I have the Symenu Suite Tab open and slide the Updater to check every three days, then switch to NirSoft Tab, change the slider to five days, go back to the SyMenu Suite Tab and the slider says five days still. If this function is per Suite, shouldn't the slider change to display the relevant info?

I have another, hopefully simple, idea to make the Manager window appear a little less cluttered...
How about reducing the grid lines appearance a little? Make them more white so they aren't so glaringly obvious, but not so light they are of no value.
Personally, I'd do away with them as I don't see their value. I mean, I don't use grid lines in my file manager, do you? Not much difference really? But I understand the necessity for some who do require them, hence make them lighter. Or, maybe an option to remove them?

One other thing that really is annoying, I may have mentioned this before, when a tooltip appears under the cursor, you can no longer scroll and have to move the mouse in order to carry on. Obviously this is only when the names are truncated, but gets in the way of smooth functionality of the app.

Another suggestion, though not sure how practical it is to implement, may not be worth the hassle, the app info section, could this be made dynamic? It's height is set, but many apps don't show much info leaving this area mostly blank. Dynamically adjusting the height depending on the amount of info to be shown would reduce this.
edited by sl23 on 02/05/2017
The reorganized SPS Manager

Gianluca wrote:
Yes, perfectly.
Is your interval slider set to 1 day? Otherwise your check will happen when the interval is reached. If it is, please go to the _Cache folder and check the name of the only file available. It should be

Indeed it does, but that's because I had to force check.
Yes I set it to 1 Day. How exactly does this work? Does it check date changes or it is timer based, thereby waiting 24hrs to recheck?

Gianluca wrote:
Sorry I misunderstood your question before. The definition update is per suite, but the slider interval is a common setting. It was too heavy to implement a "per suite" attribute in this version. Maybe for the next? Or probably I will join the suites in a single one modifying the search filters as we already agreed. Who knows!?! smile

No worries, it was my poor explanation!
I am confused though, you say that the slider is global, so how do you disable a single Suite? That lovely heart icon has disappeared! wink
Would it be simpler to just check on startup as most apps do? Or is this overkill?

Gianluca wrote:
[the grid lines]Probably an option is more consistent than your other proposals but remember that I want to change everything in the SPS Manager design. So again who knows what the future will be?

Yeah I see your problem there, but do you have any definitive plan yet? Or even a rough plan?
For starters, is the SPS Manager going to be web based like Google, or app based, like how it is now, just implemented differently?
What are the pro's and con's of each?

Gianluca wrote:
Usually the tooltips appear near the mouse pointer

They do, but if checking the list to find apps for a specific function, the Tooltip can often find it's way under the cursor, causing this annoyance.
Is it possible to place the Tooltip where you want? If so, May I suggest above-right of the cursor. Then it's out of the way and can be seen unobscured.

I don't expect this done quickly, as always, I appreciate your efforts, next week is fine wink
Just kidding!
Thank you for your quick response too...
edited by sl23 on 02/05/2017
The reorganized SPS Manager

False alarm! The update checks are working automatically.

Fwiw, I liked the heart icon, miss it too, it was a simple way to stop the update checking. And yes, the first thing I noticed on updating to this beta was the lack of that irritating message, thanks for fixing that Big Grin
The reorganized SPS Manager

Glad you like the suggestion wink

I was just about to report about the auto-update not working. I think the date interval is better than 24hrs. Using the 24hr system makes it appear sporadic, ie, working one minute and not the next. The only way to avoid your example would be to implement both systems. But reduce it to something like 8hrs.

So if a check has been made within 8 hrs and the date is different, no check is made. But as you stated, you want to keep things simple, that's ok. Tbh, the example you gave is only a rare occurrence and a minor issue, but it works!

Thank you very much for assimilating my ideas and for being so goddamn good at this Big Grin
The reorganized SPS Manager

One minor point about the SPS Manager. Previously when clicking an item lower in the list it would open the app info section, also, the clicked item appeared at the top of the window as it would've been hidden by the app info covering it.

Now it doesn't move to the top of the window and instead remains hidden, making you scroll down to see it. Is this intended behaviour now?
The reorganized SPS Manager

Another SPS Manager issue...
In our own App Suite's, there is no way to refresh, I realise it was my previous recommendation to abolish this option from our own personal Suite's, but it has the adverse effect of having to close and restart SyMenu to update my personal Suite.

May I suggest that when viewing your own Suite's, that the Refresh button changes function and becomes a 'Recheck this Suite's sps files' button. Or similar.

The reorganized SPS Manager

Thanks Gian, you da man wink
Desktop icons

Would it be possible at some point to enable certain favourite apps to have desktop shortcuts whilst symenu is running and remove them when symenu closes?

Just have a text box in the configuration form for each app, when ticked it enables the shortcut for that app.

edited by sl23 on 13/05/2017
Desktop icons

Yes I can see the issues you mention are indeed a problem. I used to use LiberKey for a short time and so found the shortcuts useful. But I never came across these problems whilst using LK. Maybe look into how LK handles it?

It's in your corner Gian, if you deem it a worthy addition, go ahead, if not, I sympathise with the your issues regarding the implementation. It sounds like you've found a solution though. I have never unsderstood what this tagging is about, but if you feel that works, then that's great.

It's no biggie for me, but thought that many rely on desktop shortcuts and so may find it useful.

Thanks for looking into it, very much appreciated.
edited by sl23 on 15/05/2017
New SyMenu version 5.11

Thank you very much for the update. Woo Hoo!
Next version breaking change

I'm not sure I understand you. Do you mean to say you're removing the ability to add URL's? Or just the function to bed from the config form?
Check if running on Update

The other day I updated an app, RJ Text Ed I think, and after the update had finished, the app hadn't updated.
My Fault as it was running at the time, but it made me think about how paf handles this.

On updating check that the app isn't running prior to the specific app update then proceed if it isn't. If it is running, then warn the user to close that app. Just a check in Task Manager or something would probably suffice.
I realise it's an entirely different thing working in a different way, but thought it may be a necessity for SyMenu. Is this something you feel should/could be implemented?

edited by sl23 on 19/05/2017

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