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Problems with installation
SvenH Posts: 29
3 days ago
After reinstalling Windows, I am now going to reinstall SyMenu. However, it is not successful as I get an error message during installation, see attachment. The Config folder is missing. What should I do?
Gianluca Administrator Posts: 1310
3 days ago
It's really strange. SyMenu works exactly in scenarios like this.
What is the content of your [SyMenu]\Config folder?
I saw you choose to put SyMenu in C:\Program Files... You are really brave because that folder is restricted for security reasons. So it could be a problem of security (you don't have full access to the SyMenu subfolder for example). My advice: D:\SyMenu (no need to do anything after a reinstallation).
SvenH Posts: 29
3 days ago
Yes, I suspected it had to do with permissions so I tried with administrator rights, but it was the same result.
I previously had SyMenu in C:\Program Files so it should work now too. But I found a note I made earlier that it is not possible to install directly to C:\Program Files but it must first be done to another location, after which the files can be moved to C:\Program Files. I did that and then copied the Config and Icons folders there that I had backed up. So now it works.
Gianluca Administrator Posts: 1310
3 days ago
Ok even if you have successfully installed SyMenu I don't recommend using that folder the same. If you want to use it the same, the procedure is easier than what you did. You can take ownership of the C:\Program Files\SyMenu folder or take "only" full control on it with your user even if MS discourages this kind of action.