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Translating Control Panel Items in SyMenu
BMX2k2 Posts: 1
13 days ago
Hello, I use SyMenu and really appreciate its flexibility! However, I would like to know if it is possible to translate individual Control Panel items when displayed in SyMenu. I found the following line in the language file: FormTaskBar_controlPanelItems = "Panneau de configuration" But this only seems to affect the general title, not the different options within the Control Panel itself. Does SyMenu retrieve these names directly from Windows, or is there a way to customize them? If it’s not currently possible, would it be feasible to add this feature in a future version? Thanks in advance for your help!
Gianluca Administrator Posts: 1310
13 days ago
Hello BMX2k2, You are right. There are several areas where SyMenu is not translated. You found one but there are also some system32 tools such as dxdiag.exe (called DirectX Diagnostic Tool), mmc.exe (called Microsoft Management console), and others. Then there is the search filter guide used in SPS apps form and others texts here and there.
Since in official languages SyMenu is fully translated why does this strangeness exist? It's not because of a technical reason but it's because I can't push the translator's work too much.
The translators are dedicated, enthusiastic, extraordinary people but they are human beings with works, families, hobbies. SyMenu is one of their passions and they have nothing in exchange for helping the project so I don't want it to become a nightmare. The only elements I cited before are more than 100 sentences to translate. And BTW the lacking translations refer to specialized features that are probably accessed by users who know English. So I think I'll never ask them to make it translated.
I hope it can be an understandable reason.