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Issue handling shortcut links
Coastie Posts: 26
There have been a few times I have either drag+drop a shortcut, or browsed for a shortcut to add a menu item in Symenu. It takes my shortcut and rips it apart putting things into place. If it is a special shortcut, it fails to work, example, changing the path for example:
drag and drop:
changed to: ..\..\Windows\System32\schtasks.exe
Should be: ..\folder\fileShortcut.lnk
Please don't make symenu interpret what the shortcuts 'should' do, just have it link to the shortcut and let the shortcut work it's magic.
If I manually type in the shortcut .lnk it works fine.
I just want to be able to drag/drop a .lnk and have it remain a .lnk
Gianluca Administrator Posts: 1274
Hi Coastie.
Your proposal is not acceptable for several reasons.
First one is that when you point to a shortcut you always want to execute the resources linked to that and not the shortcut.
Second. The SyMenu ability to take the shortcuts apart is really useful, even it is not so evident, if you use the search bar to find the PC installed programs. In fact the found element list comes from the Windows Start menu that is built by several shortcuts to your programs but SyMenu is able to unpacks all those shortcuts and offer to you the direct link to the resources.
Third. The unpacking process is really important because if I ask to SyMenu to open a certain item containing folder or to show me its properties I want to point to the resources and not to the shortcut, because the shortcut properties or the containing folder are not so useful.
Anyway if you realize that SyMenu fails in unpacking a shortcut, please let me know how this shortcut is built and I'll try to make SyMenu able to manage it too. I already do that for the damn Windows Installer Advertised shortcuts (the Office shortcuts) that must be processed in a particular way to extract the final paths to the pointed resources.
One known problem of this behavior is that SyMenu can't manage the parameters inside the shortcuts it take apart... well it is in my TODO list. For now to solve this issue integrate the SyItem inside with all the starting parameters by hand.
Coastie Posts: 26
Shortcuts built using this fail http://freeavvarea.r00t.la/UACPass-en
They also fail from here http://winaero.com/comment.php?comment.news.152
Gianluca Administrator Posts: 1274
The problem is always the same: SyMenu doesn't extract the command arguments from the shortcuts. With the next version I will implement this feature and it will solve your issue too.
PoWi Posts: 90
@Coastie: With the extracted parameters in a shortcut for builing a SyMenu-item all would be fine. A shortcut linked to a shortcut is always "difficult" and can make problems (eg delete the shortcut linked to). But a shortcut with the SAME parameters to the original object is awesome.
Thank you Ginaluca for implementing this in the next release.