The SyMenu collection of portable programs
Can i disable the BACKUPS of the apps ?
user2018 Posts: 10
Hello, I have the suite on an ssd drive and when I update the suite (many apps at a time) everything is being backed up to a folder called trash. Isnt there a way to DISABLE this backup feature? I have to go every time and delete those trash files. (see attached photo)
Gianluca Administrator Posts: 1274
Indeed the trash folder is not a only backup, but it play an important role in the update process. SyMenu uses the trash to restore configuration files in case of a clean update so the trash is unavoidable.
Anyway, seeing your picture I noted you don't clean up the folder at every update (different trashing date). Probably the solution is to clean it up more often to avoid the disk filling.
And you don't need to phisically go to the folder to manually empty it because you have a special button to do that. See here: