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Small request for augment the apps searchability Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 4

Posts: 4
When I enter in the search field "Nirsoft" it output only one result:

It's the same thing if I search an apps for most other Authors, if I search for Sordum there is zero results sadl, for "Sysinternal" only one results.

So adding the name of the original source of the software in the description would help tremendously to find some particular software when we don't remind the full name but we know the source.

Another way but more complicate for you would be to allow to "tag" apps with keywords locally, so for I've put tag all Sordum app with the keyword "Sordum" (or any other keywords I'd like).

Another suggestion to make it more easy for you to correct some mistake/error or out of date software would be to put a link or a field directly in the description of the apps to send you a message directly if there is an error in the description, a dead link, change in the web address or an update available.

This way it would be lot easier for you to maintain and more easy for the users to signale problem about a particular app description or out of date software,

Best Regards smile
Posts: 1274

Posts: 1274
How many interesting suggestions here...

Currently SyMenu allows you to search its own programs by name or by description. But you already know that because your search is set by description that is not the default searching mode.

Now, what can I automatically add inside a program description?
Any kind of text indeed, even if I can't add active links because description is only in plain text.

Anyway some kind of tagging system already exists in SyMenu. If you open an SPS description, at the end of the text, you'll probably find something like this:

These tags are added accordingly to the category stuck to any program you have in the "Get new apps" form.

Can I add other tags or simple text? For example can I add the publisher?

Yes sure I can.

So in the 6.09v you'll probably find this new feature.

With the occasion I'll solve an inconsistency that exists today.

The automatic tags are only added when you install a program with the option to install it in a folder named as its category.

My intention is to always add the tags independently from the option.

This feature will not be available for programs already installed because I can't know if their descriptions has been changed by the user or not.

Your option will be to remove the programs and install then again but you'll risk to lose the program configurations, or to add the information you need to every description by hand... it's a huge activity I know.

What do you think about this scenario?
Posts: 4

Posts: 4
Gianluca wrote:

What do you think about this scenario?

It's good but there is something that could be improved a lot since adding tag to 100's of apps for power-users is painful and time consuming.

It would be to add a mechanism where you could select multiple apps and add the same tag(s)/text to all the apps at the same time.

A practical exemple: For the Nirsoft apps I want to add the tag "Nirsoft" and the tag "Nir Sofer" so I would just have to select all the apps I want to add the tags and press apply and the tags would be applied to all the selected apps.

The GUI could look like the one on "Manage SPS Apps" with checkbox to select the apps where the new tags would be applied.

Do you think it could be possible to implement it this way to have some sort of "Batch tagging" for power users ? 🤔
Posts: 1274

Posts: 1274
Nope sorry.

The configuration form is the place where you can manage your items but it's not able to manage the items in bulk.
Indeed the SPS Manager is born with bulk operation in mind.
Anyway... Since I will implement the feature with the 6.09 why don't you wait for it? NirSoft programs don't have any user configuration so you'll be able to remove them all and reinstall them all with the new tag.
Otherwise you can try to directly modify the item configuration file (it's a simple xml file). The field description is what you are searching for. If you want to try this solution, please backup you file before taking any action. If something goes wrong you risk loosing your entire items configuration.

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