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READONLY and recent updates
Glenn Posts: 99
Is the notification that SyMenu has recently been updated, and the offer to launch the browser showing the new features itself a new feature?
It seems that if one does the following sequence (and maybe other variations), that the offer gets repeated at each launch of SyMenu.
1) remove READONLY marker 2) start SyMenu 3) recreate READONLY marker 4) update SyMenu
One could make a case that this is an inappropriate sequence, but steps 1-3 are a fast way to get a non-READONLY instance on a machine, leaving it READONLY for others as much as possible.
Gianluca Administrator Posts: 1274
Hello Glenn. There is a bug in the alerter. I will explain how to solve it later.
My advice for updating a SyMenu in readonly is: 1) remove READONLY marker 2) start SyMenu 3) update SyMenu 4) quit SyMenu 5) create READONLY marker again
From the next version you'll have a specialized readonly file flag where you can specify one or more PC where SyMenu executes in not readonly mode. Stay tuned for that.
Last. To solve the problem with the alerter you can delete the folder ~Update in the SyMenu root folder.
Glenn Posts: 99
Thanks for the workaround, and the forthcoming version.
Glenn Posts: 99
I'm surprised how much stuff is in the ~Update folder. Does it normally stick around or go away? Space could be an issue in some environments. Since you suggest deleting it for this workaround, can it generally be deleted? What is the benefit of keeping it, if any?
Gianluca Administrator Posts: 1274
A lot of stuff??? The ~Update folder is a temporary folder used to update SyMenu. You can find at most the file conained inside the SyMenu.zip package, it's the same package file you can download from the download page. What did you find inside the folder???
Since the ~Update folder is a temp folder, you can delete whenever you want. Usually SyMenu itself deletes it when it first run after an update but there is this bug that avoid the deletion. So the folder is absolutely useless for the user.
Glenn Posts: 99
A bunch of files... at least a dozen. I'd deleted most of the ~Update folders just following instructions before I thought to look in maybe the last one... I was surprised there was more than one marker file to indicate an Update had happened, but then I didn't pay a lot of attention, and then I deleted it. I'll see if I can recreate another and do better reporting.
Gianluca Administrator Posts: 1274
This is what you should find inside the ~Update folder at most:
- Lang\*.* [all the language files] - Plugin\SyMenu.Plugin.PAF\SyMenu.Plugin.PAF.dll - 7z.dll - 7z.exe - Innounp.exe - Ionic.Zip.Reduced.dll - SyMenu.Admin.exe - SyMenu.Admin.exe.config - SyMenu.exe - SyMenu.exe.config - SyMenu.Plugin.Resources.dll - SyMenu.Updater.exe - System.Query.dll - System.Xml.XLinq.dll
The folder is not a simple placeholder. SyMenu unzip the entire new version inside this folder then the updater copy all the files on the root. Last thing if SyMenu itself finds the folder shows the new version installed message and delete the ~Update folder. If the folder is locked and SyMenu can't delete it, it repeats the message every time you run it.