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Who (the hell) are the SyMenu users?

Oh my god!
Are you serious? Or just greedy?
Happy shitstorm!
If you can't handle it, make it opensource, put it on github or somewhere else.
You are captivating free software on MY COMPUTER!
Without even warning me before the update!
I hope you will be sued for that.

Wow, that was the worst thing you could ever do.
Who (the hell) are the SyMenu users?

Thanks for not deleting this account.
I might sound offensive but this is not my intention - aux contraire...

I believe, you didn't get me right. I really liked your software because it made it easier to handle updates and to keep the soft in one place (directory except NirSoft)
and I apreciate your work really.

But and this a big but!
I am now in the scene of portable software quite a time - mention the "portable".

I've made some soft portable which was not intented to. So I got along your system of SyMenu to cover "portables" the way your system is dealing with this "problem" is the problem now.

The fortune of portable soft is compatability, put it on any windows-pc and - SECURITY! Which I can't mention enough.

I don't know how much you are into security, but I doubt you are not very much.

You told that it is too much work.
How do you handle the extra work to secure your users private data about their E-Mail adresses and their passwords? I really doubt that you can handle this.
Firms with millions of capital failed with this.

Sorry ran out of time
but if you keep this account alive I perhaps may help you with the problem of keeping up the service.
THX and Greetz

edited by FLOSS on 10/03/2024
Who (the hell) are the SyMenu users?

And there is some more to reply:
There are quite some softs in this portfolio that you were not to have legal rights to publish in your platform. You just ignore them because of software developers just won't to mess around with legal stuff.
So you are using others peoples work for your own fortune.

May I introduce you to some examples:
Firefox portable - John Haller still is upset with you about integrating his workgroup craftmanship into your soft.

Thunderbird portable - John Haller still is upset with you about integrating his workgroup craftmanship into your soft.
SIV System Information Portable - never gave you an agreement.

drivegleam - never gave you an agreement.

on and on...

You may argue, that these are all opensource and free.

At the moment you are demanding money, it is no more.
I am really upset of you to get money about of this.
Needing an E-Mail account for this now - it's bad. - Just like Google - Don't be evil.
We are.


edited by FLOSS on 11/03/2024

edited by FLOSS on 11/03/2024

edited by FLOSS on 11/03/2024
Who (the hell) are the SyMenu users?

was to correct

edited by FLOSS on 11/03/2024

edited by FLOSS on 11/03/2024
Who (the hell) are the SyMenu users?

And again:
If you can't handle it, Try to survive.
If your software project is to overcome you, you won't get away from it.
Otherwise it will kill you.
Sell it commercial - if anybody will give money for it.
Or make it opensource and your thoughts might overcome and reprodruce.
Who (the hell) are the SyMenu users?

Thanks for your detailed answer. - really,!

But I think you still got me wrong.

Me myself, don't care about your twist with PortableApps, I just find them to be a more "intelligent" way to "virtualize" soft. And I got in hefty discussions with John really hard too.

You don't get the point.
If I have to register to update your soft, I cannot anonymously redistribute my prepackacked bundle of portable apps and symenu to my friends and share it via cloud or my own server.
It is just this fucking registration process that I complain about, - oh man please get rid of it.
I was lucky to have a pc which I didn't update and updates are still functioning.
You don't even provide old versions, or am I only too dumb to find them? Please give me a link.

As of this now, there is no technical need for a registration.
I still wonder why you went this step.
Reading your lines I am impressed that your are familiar with salting accounts, but sorry I don't trust you and I don't see the need for a registration.
Obviously you cant handle it any more. Why not make it opensource. Would have the benefits to fix some bugs that you didnt. and btw: I said github - not sourceforge...

have a nice day

edited by FLOSS on 11/03/2024

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