Open Config Form
Ok so eventually you only need a way to faster access the configuration menu. Well SyMenu doesn't support the command line parameter with a little exception in the automatic update phase but more than one user asked me to add a new native shortcut to directly open the configuration form. Today SyMenu has two native shortcut. One to open the contextual menu and one to open the search menu. I can add a third one to open the configuration menu. What about that? |
Open Config Form
With "native shortcut" I intend the SyMenu keyboard shortcuts (CTLR+F1 for contextual menu and SHIFT+CTRL+F1 for search). This keyboard shortcuts are fully customizable and allow to directly access SyMenu without touching the mouse. My idea was to add a third keyboard shortcut to have the configuration form directly appears even without opening the contextual menu.
The SyMenu gestures could work in the same way. Currently you can configure a single gesture to make the contextual menu appears but I can add the chance to configure the appearance of the search and the configuration form too through other custom gestures.
Let's see what the other SyMenu users think about this new feature. |
New version 3.00 is great !!
You are welcome. I am still curious about the usefulness of the new Start menu replacement button. It was a really challenging feature to add but I think it is a real turning point in SyMenu. Since this 3.00 version SyMenu turns itself into a portable Start menu replacement (still rough I know) from the old portable menu launcher. Essentially it exits from a niche sector to enter in a more competitive ones. Let's see what will be the users feedback to this invasion |
Changes to search?
Hi timrray.
Thanks to you... the idea was totally yours
The description field was never indexed for the search. I avoid to include this field in the search to maintain it lighter as possible. Well if a certain number of users will ask for that I could introduce this feature as an optionally ones. Let me know.
The search is able to show or not the local programs with the usual checkbox. The contextual menu instead has the new item Host programs that couldn't be disabled because SyMenu is now a sort of start menu replacer. <em>edited by Gianluca on 4/14/2014</em> |
Open Config Form
Hello to everyone.
Well as you've surely already understood I would prefer to avoid command line parameters at all if it is possible to accomplish the desired tasks in a more user friendly way.
1) the no-autoexec mode is already available on SyMenu: http://www.ugmfree.it/SyMenuManual.aspx#Autoexecute Simply press the SHIFT key during SyMenu startup to disable autoexec on start or when you close it to disable autoexec on close. A red flashing led will warn you that you are blocking the autoexec mode.
2) what is /nostartmenu switch supposed to do? Hide the big SyMenu button? In that case go on Options menu and disable it at all http://www.ugmfree.it/SyMenuManual.aspx#Advanced_menu_Options Please don't ask to customize this feature according to machine... it'll become a weird behavior.
3) the always elevate switch is a very good thing to do and I had already thought to create a special launcher (different from the executable SyMenu.exe) because to elevate a program you need another program to launch it in elevate mode. Currently when you click on the item "Elevate SyMenu", SyMenu relauches itself asking Windows to give the new instance the elevation status. Supplying SyMenu with the ability to read the /alwayselevate switch means that you need to create a shortcut with this switch so you will have two files the same (the SyMenu executable and the SyMenuElevate shortcut). Isn't it better to have two executable with two different icons one for the normal execution and one that launches the first with the elevate status? These are my 2 cents. |
Open Config Form
Dear MicDundee.
You are not speaking with a support service of a company. This is only a little community born and raised around a software application. You are not paying for using the application No one is paid for repling to your question. For these reasons moderate yourself.
Now your longed reply. The reason for which no one can directly reply to your question is that your question is meaningless. SyMenu doesn't use a command line switch or a script command and doesn't call another executable to open the config form. SyMenu is a compiled program where every resources is available calling the right instruction not passing through the OS.
To be cleared SyMenu uses a .NET method such this to open the configuration form:
FormConfiguration config = new FormConfiguration(); config.ShowDialog();
So you can't interact with these resource (FormConfiguration) with some kind of trick such as a command line switch or in another simple way. You need to interact with the entire project creating a container project then using the Reflection to call the method you need.
It is really useful to know that isn't it?
My previous replies were addressed to understand the reasons for which you need this knowledge, to find an organic way to meet your needs and other requests from other users. |
Exit and disconnect USB drive
I haven't planned to include this feature natively in SyMenu but you can achieve your goal very easily the same. I personally use a third-party software that is called USB Disk ejector. I carried this portable software into my external unit, linked to SyMenu as a SyItem and tagged to be executed automatically during SyMenu closing (Autoexec on close). If you find that the little program window annoys you, add the parameter /REMOVETHIS and the program will disconnect the current unit without prompting you. Done. |
Exit and disconnect USB drive
http://www.ugmfree.it/SyMenuManual.aspx#ConfigurationForm http://www.ugmfree.it/SyMenuManual.aspx#Autoexecute |
Exit and disconnect USB drive
See the picture. |
run SyMenu when you insert the flash drive
For security reasons since Windows XP SP2, Microsoft disabled the autorun.inf for removable drives and it become impossible to automatically execute a program. |
Suggestion: Search results with 2 or more lines
Hi PoWi. Can you send to me a screenshot of the SyMenu showing your file names? I checked it and the search result box could host files which names are up to 40 characters so maybe I don't understand the problem. |
Suggestion: Search results with 2 or more lines
Dear PoWi.
The issue could be easily solved with your suggestions, creating a double line label or increasing the menu width, but the problem will be here again for even larger labels. In fact in the past I've already expanded the menu but your request shows that this is not the right path to follow.
Thus I propose a new approach. In HTML exists a non standard tag <marquee> that is able to easily produce a horizontal scrolling effect for large text (see http://www.marqueetextlive.com/ to understand well). I don't know if it is possible to reach this kind of effect with a winform application but I could try and I think this could be the final solution.
What do you think? |
Suggestion: Search results with 2 or more lines
Well I can't reply until I will study the possible solutions. 3.01 version is quite ready for releasing so the marquee should be included with the next one. Anyway I'll keep you posted. |
Suggestion: Search results with 2 or more lines
The new 3.01 version is out and there is a surprise: I was able to add the marquee new feature directly in this version. Since these feature is not well tested yet I've introduced it but not enabled for everyone. This post is for people that intend to test the new marquee feature... well it's the first experiment of a widespread testing for SyMenu therefore please test, test, test.
To enable Marquee follow this steps:
- Update and execute the new SyMenu version
- Quit SyMenu
- Go on the physical folder SyMenu/Config
- Backup the file SyMenuConfig.zip in another folder (just in case... but do it because you're at risk of loosing your configuration)
- Unzip SyMenuConfig.zip. You'll obtain a file called SyMenuConfig.xml. This is the configuration settings for your SyMenu
- Open SyMenuConfig.xml file with the a text editor (use notepad for example)
- Find the xml key <marqueeItemsEXPERIMENTAL enable="False" reenterFromRight="False" initialPause="2000" scrollStep="1" />
- Change the attribute enable="False" in enable="True" (be carefull with casing please... it's "True" and not "true")
- Save the file, zip it again inside the SyMenuConfig.zip
- Execute SyMenu
The marquee will be enabled for elements (folders, programs, documents) with name longer than 34 characters. The marquee is not active if the element is currently selected (when it is focused). The xml attribute has other parameters. Try to change and experiment with those because, if marquee become a SyMenu new official feature, I'll have to define the standard values.
This is the documentation of the marqueeItemsEXPERIMENTAL tag
- enable (True|False) defines if the marquee is enabled
- reenterFromRight (True|False) defines if a text completely exited from the menu must reenter smoothly from the right or re-appear without animation
- initialPause (milliseconds) defines the initial pause before marquee starting to scroll the text
- scrollStep (>0) it's the pixel step for the text. It's updated every 30 milliseconds
Enjoy edited by Gianluca on 11/06/2014 |
New version 3.01
Hello to everyone.
The new version 3.01 is out.
These are the new main feature released:
- New SyMenu.Admin launcher to directly execute SyMenu in elevate mode
- Increased speed and smoothness in search tool
- Option to suppress one instance only message
The new SyMenu.Admin.exe file is a launcher that allows SyMenu to start directly in elevate mode. We already have the "Elevate SyMenu" button in the contextual menu but I think this is a less annoying way to avoid the UAC alert. For those who don't understand what I'm speaking of please RTFM (http://www.ugmfree.it/SyMenuManual.aspx#Elevation_mode)
I would like to announce another feature that I didn't mention in the list before because it is currently hidden: the marquee text for long label. To have more information about the topic read this thread: http://www.ugmfree.it/forum/messages.aspx?TopicID=217#post582 |
Suggestion: Search results with 2 or more lines
Hi PoWi. Thank for testing marquee. I know the issue you describe: it only affects the longer text. The longer is the text, longer is the delay for text to reappear. But if you avoid the smooth enter from the right (reenterFromRight="False") the issue should disappear. Anyway I'll try to fix the problem in the next version. |
New version 3.02
Hello to everyone.
The new version 3.02 is released.
I introduced the marquee text for long labels as an official feature (the 3.01 already had the marquee texts but they were hidden) and some minor features and bug fix.
But the real news is the new SyMenu PAF program suite plugin.
Usually the SyMenu plugins are distributed through this forum (http://www.ugmfree.it/forum/topics.aspx?ForumID=5) but I prefer to distribute this one together with the SyMenu main branch to take advantage of the SyMenu native update feature.
The SyMenu PAF program suite plugin allows to integrate a lot of the http://portableapps.com/ programs inside SyMenu through a simple and clear interface useful to download, install, update and remove the PAF programs listed. Try this plugin and let me know what you think and which improvements you like for that.
A few words on this suite. The PAF suite is a collection of open source and freeware programs hosted on http://sourceforge.net and organized by http://portableapps.com/ PortableApps develops and distributes for free a very good launcher too but I don't think that they could be bother by this new feature of SyMenu because the two launchers are aimed to different kind of users: more skilled for SyMenu :-) while their launcher is simpler and with less options and because of this more immediate in use. Anyway, to avoid any problem, I tried to get in touch with PortableApps but I've been totally ignored. My idea was to propose to those guys a collaboration between SyMenu and PortableApps... maybe my many mails have been lost. Anyway if the people at PortableApps change their mind and want to speak with me, I'll be here.
Last warning. It seems that Avast has started to detect SyMenu as a virus. I've already report to them the false positive but if you users help me maybe the problem will be solved in a few days. The url to submit a false positive to Avast is this: http://www.avast.com/contact-form.php?subject=VIRUS-FILE
Bye edited by Gianluca on 28/08/2014 |
make folder-element displayable as tree
Well... this is a really really good idea. I'll surely put it on the top of my todo list.
I only have to check for performance because the linked folders could contain tons of files and sub folders. Imagine if a user link a folder with something like C:\ Well in this case I imagine this particular mapping is related to the user attitute to self-destruction... I could try to load the content of every folder dinamically but maybe in this case the loading process could be too slow.
Well I have to work on it but this will probably be one of the new feature of the next version. |
SyMenu.Plugin.PAF.dll is broken
I received a lot of error reports because of the PAF plugin.
After a few investigation I discover that the message "SyMenu.Plugin.PAF.dll is broken" is shown because of a security problem. In fact when you download SyMenu.zip for the first time Windows marks it as dangerous because it comes from the network. Well it is not SyMenu to be dangerous but everything you download from the Internet is... Thanks for your thoughtfulness Microsoft.
This may not be a problem but some unzipping programs such as Winrar or the Explorer integrated extractor preserve this mark in the extracted files too and this is a problem instead for the PAF plugin.
To workaround this error simply check the properties of the SyMenu\Plugin\SyMenu.Plugin.PAF\SyMenu.Plugin.PAF.dll file. Probably you will find it blocked as you can see in the image. Simply Unblock it pressing the right button and your PAF plugin works again.
The problem should not affect SyMenu if you are updating the program with the integrated update feature. If it is not please report it to me.
UPDATE Starting with the version 3.04 SyMenu gives an alert more specific when it found a blocke plugin. See the manual for further info. edited by Gianluca on 14/10/2014 |
version 3.03
Hi PoWi. Which menu precisely? The main one? Can you post a screenshot? |