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7zip security
SiggiSy Posts: 3
17 days ago
There are a lot of security flaws with 7zip.
Please update 7zip as soon as possible and consider an alternative like peazip
Gianluca Administrator Posts: 1290
16 days ago
Dear SiggiSy, Thank you for your report.
According to the article you linked, the 7zip flaw has been patched with the 24.07 version. I released the 24.07 version with SyMenu 8.03 on June 27th 2024. Today SyMenu is at 8.04 version and carries 7zip 24.08. The next SyMenu version will carry 7zip 24.09. So, as you can see, if you update SyMenu regularly, you'll always get the latest version of all the third party software it uses, including the compression libraries.
The first time I evaluated Peazip, several years ago, there was a problem with its CLI. As you can easily imagine, the CLI is the only way SyMenu is able to talk with this kind of program. I don't remember if at that time the problem was the total absence or a partial inadequacy of the Peazip CLI. Anyway I'm curious on the reasons I should consider replacing 7zip with Peazip.
Differently from 7zip that includes the compression algorithms in its own code, Peazip is a simple launcher for the original compressing libraries. You can find them inside the bin folder. So why should it be better than 7zip if, at the end, it uses 7zip? I'm ignorant about Peazip but what I'm seeing in using it are only cons: - it weight more than 7zip - it carries duplication on compression algorithms (see the overlapping among 7zip and FreeArc for example) - it requires a double transfer when used through the CLI because I have to create a script for Peazip that Peazip passes to the right compression library.
But as I told you I'm a big ignorant about it. So what are the pros I'm not seeing?