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http://spsconsortium.net is down
FileVoyager Posts: 2
Hi, For information, I'm trying to publish a new version of FileVoyager via SPS Builder. Unfortunately, SPS Builder keeps failing with message "Validation failed". I suppose that the sps must be validated against the xsd schema at this address http://spsconsortium.net/schema/SPS.xsd. And the website of spsconsortium is curently down leading, I guess, to this error.
Gianluca Administrator Posts: 1274
Hello. Yes the file has to be validated but I abandoned the web site that hosted the schema. My bad. I have to move the schema to this web site. Anyway there's a reason for which the xsd schema is not so important and it's because you should use SPS Builder (see this page https://www.ugmfree.it/spsbuilder or download it through SyMenu itself) that validate your SPS against the schema and that help you to understand where the problem is with clear messages and alert. If you need any further help, please let me know.
FileVoyager Posts: 2
I was already using SPS Builder and it was highlighting me the VirusTotal section in red. Yet it wasn't clear to me what to do to fix the VirusTotal section... Anyways, I managed to save to UGM by redownloading the UGM version of the SPS. Thanks for the support!
edited by FileVoyager on 20/04/2024
Gianluca Administrator Posts: 1274
When SPS Builder alerts you that VirusTotal check is lacking it's because you need to submit the package to VT.
You can submit the package in several ways. You can do it with the SPS Builder itself, checking the relative checkbox. If SPS Builder alerts you that the package was previously unknown to VT you have to wait one or two minutes and then press the Refresh button near the VT checkbox. This delay is due to the time VT takes to analyze the package submitted by SPS Builder with all their AV software. For an unknown package you can even upload it to the VT website manually, wait for analysis, and only then open SPS Builder and process it because, at that point, the package won't be unknown and the VT check will be instantaneous.
I hope it's clearer now otherwise please ask.