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AppData Problem
laffin_boy Posts: 14
I'm trying to add several apps that use window's "AppData" folders to store their info and so far it's not working for me. Example:
I added this program: .\SysMenu\X32\Connect\NetTraffic\NetTraffic.exe and then added an AppData subfolder to the NetTraffic folder. Then I went to the "Advanced" tab and I checked "Enable Advanced Parameters", entered this path into "Working Directory": .\X32\Connect\NetTraffic\NetTraffic.exe and under "Environmental Variables" I first tried: AppData=.\AppData and when that didn't work I then tried: AppData=.
In both cases I got this error message then trying to launch the program: "The Directory Name is Invalid"
I also tried 2 other programs that I configured the same way and they throw the same error.
What am I doing wrong?
Gianluca Administrator Posts: 1270
It's difficult to say.
In your case it seems that the AppData configuration is right (the first one indeed) because the program is really querying the Env var AppData to get that folder, otherwise it doesn't raise an error.
The problem could reside in the Working dir definition because you are not using a folder but a file (NetTraffic.exe). Plus, the SyMenu resolution of a working dir doesn't start from the SyMenu root, it wouldn't make any sense, but from the program exe folder. So as a Working dir I'd use a simple .\
Anyway, IMHO you are not doing the analysis the right way because you are proceeding with a "try and error" method. When I need to understand what a program really does with the path resolutions, I use Process Monitor from Sysinternals.I filter with the program process name and then analyze the query it does to understand its internals.
laffin_boy Posts: 14
Thanks for your thoughts.
Per your correction changing the Working Folder from an absolute path to a relative path fixed the problem. Now the "AppData" apps launch just fine!