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No longer remembers screen position
PebsUK Posts: 2
i like to have symenu located in the bottom right hand corner of my screen but ever system restart its icon appears in the centre of the screen how do I lock it into the desired position?
Gianluca Administrator Posts: 1274
When SyMenu shut down it stores the floating button last location. If it doesn't work probably means that your configuration file is not writable. Check the Windows permission in the SyMenu\Config folder and change them to be able to write on all the files there with your user. Let me know if this solution works.
PebsUK Posts: 2
No, its the portable version and it's worked perfectly right up until the last update, I've given the directory it lives in full control but still doesn't remember
Ubtree Posts: 3
I have exactly the same problem.
When I first installed SyMenu, the button remembered its position when I rebooted the PC, but after I installed a SyMenu version update it ceased to remember the position.
After another update, the button started remembering its position again, but after a few days it stopped doing so again.
I too have installed the portable version. I have checked that all the files in the SyMenu\config folder are not read-only, and that the user has write rights to them.
Can you suggest anything further.
Ubtree Posts: 3
Following e-mail correspondence with Gianluca, I think that this issue is due to my placing the SyMenu button in the top left-hand corner such that the top edge and/or the left edge of the button are slightly beyond the edge of the screen. I think that the config file records the button position by reference to its top left-hand corner, and if this is off-screen, it cannot interpret it and remember it.
So, provided that the button is not positioned such that the top left-hand corner is off-screen, SyMenu will remember the button position.
Gianluca Administrator Posts: 1274
I confirm everything.
And I assert that the floating button off screen position will become legal with the next version.
So stay tuned. Thank for your help!