sl23 Posts: 285
Would it be possible at some point to enable certain favourite apps to have desktop shortcuts whilst symenu is running and remove them when symenu closes?
Just have a text box in the configuration form for each app, when ticked it enables the shortcut for that app.
Thanks edited by sl23 on 13/05/2017
lupusbalo Posts: 77
+1 Fully supported suggestion edited by lupusbalo on 14/05/2017
Gianluca Administrator Posts: 1274
This activity breaks one of the golden SyMenu rules: never write anything outside the program folders, the user folders, and the temp folders.
I understood that you intend SyMenu has to clean up everything at exits, but this is a risky path because SyMenu could exit in a not linear way too. Think about what happens if you kill SyMenu from the Task Manager, or if it is closed because of the OS shut down. In other words, the risk is SyMenu leaves behind the dynamic icons on your desktop.
On the other hand, the idea likes me too much to give up so easily.
I think that almost every problem could be solved, making the dynamic shortcuts recognizable. What do you think if I use the Comment field to tag every dynamic shortcut? In this way, you can even create your own shortcuts linked to program under SyMenu control and those shortcuts will remain active even when SyMenu closes because they are not tagged since you created them manually. The dynamic shortcuts, recognized by the tag, can be instead deleted when SyMenu closes and, further, SyMenu doesn't need to create them again if already present and left behind because of an error. Tagging the shortcuts allow SyMenu to interact only with its own ones. Think about two SyMenu version that coexists in the same machine. Every version must be able to manage its own shortcuts without interferences if every version tags its shortcut in a different way.
It's only a draft but it seems working. What do you think?
sl23 Posts: 285
Yes I can see the issues you mention are indeed a problem. I used to use LiberKey for a short time and so found the shortcuts useful. But I never came across these problems whilst using LK. Maybe look into how LK handles it?
It's in your corner Gian, if you deem it a worthy addition, go ahead, if not, I sympathise with the your issues regarding the implementation. It sounds like you've found a solution though. I have never unsderstood what this tagging is about, but if you feel that works, then that's great.
It's no biggie for me, but thought that many rely on desktop shortcuts and so may find it useful.
Thanks for looking into it, very much appreciated. edited by sl23 on 15/05/2017
lupusbalo Posts: 77
Gianluca, I really understand how reluctant you could be to implement the function
- as a user I always want more features and - as sl23 - being a Liberkey user for a long time, i found this one very usefull - as an IT Services old manager (Sales, Devs and Ops) I think the "keep it simple" option is always the best the more features, the more code, so more bug risk, and associated maintenance
BUT I may have an idea for you: what about some kind of plugin/exits solution? (note) using the comment field is a great idea, as it can be customized and play no role in core features .... or you can have "user tag" devs can then create their own rules to manage specific content
(note) I have no idea on how to develop that kind of plugin, but I volunteer to try to write something, if the interface is clear enough!!
Gianluca Administrator Posts: 1274
I can confirm you that the dynamic desktop shortcuts are fully possible. I'll go to implement them in the next SyMenu version.
I solved the recognition problem assigning to every dynamic shortcut a unique ID that SyMenu creats when you first execute it. So it becomes possible to remove all the shortcuts created by that particular SyMenu instance and only those ones. In this way I can classify the feature as fully portable and, you know, this is a thing that make me happy
sl23 Posts: 285
Great work Yay! I found a way to post again!!! edited by sl23 on 09/11/2017
lupusbalo Posts: 77
That's great news
sl23 Posts: 285
With all these additions, the next version is looking like a stunner! Can't wait ;-)