Request function to open folders
Ok, now I understood. I don't want to convert SyMenu into an Explorer replacement so the FS features are very few and basic.
The SyMenu purpose is to offer a large software suite, probably the largest in the world for a launcher, and to help to manage it easily and quickly. |
Modified structure not remembered
With exit I mean quitting, closing.
If you close SyMenu the structure changes serialize on the configuration file. This way when you relaunch SyMenu, you'll find the menu structure updated because you'll have successfully workarounded the bug. |
SyMenu interferes with rightclick
it's not that flattering thinking that you've come back because out there you only find garbage
I spent years enriching SyMenu with any kind of feature I can think of or the users suggested to me. Then I decided to pursue a balance in the application, pruning what was not so useful.
A more balanced approach means ease of use, less requests for clarification, less bugs, more happy users.
I've been working on the next version (8.0) for two years now, with one year of alpha and beta testing. It's a unique occasion to turn the table and change a lot of things. So the gesture is on the list of the features sentenced to death.
Take your experience as an example: you activated the gesture thing with no utility at all, you almost abandoned SyMenu because this way it became quite unusable, you asked for help, I lost my time to understand what could be the problem... everything for a feature that IMHO it's nice but has no real use.
Anyway, as usual, if someone considers the gesture useful and uses it for real, please be my guest and tell us your experience. |
Cannot drag files into app opened with SyMenu
In my opinion it depends on Windows elevation.
Every program inherits the parent privilege level. So MP3tag inherits the SyMenu elevation level because you use SyMenu as a launcher and it becomes the MP3tag parent. .
If SyMenu runs with higher privileges, MP3tag inherits the same privileges and you cannot drag from Windows Explorer that instead always runs with normal privileges. |
Modified structure not remembered
It's really strange.
You've got probably a problem with the procedure I described before. I'll try again now with more details:
- open the Option form - Structure tab
- change the structure as you like
- press Ok button
- if you open the Option from Configuration form press Save and exit. If you open it directly go to the next step
- click on SyMenu and choose exit
- go to the configuration folder ([SyMenu]\Config\) and check the creation date for the file SyMenuConfig.zip. It should be just created
- if you want you can open the SyMenuConfig.zip file and open with a text editor the SyMenuConfig.xml you find inside. It a simple xml and the tag you have to check is <menuStructure> that contains your new structure. If you want you can even change it by hand but I'm sure now it'll be ok. Close every the text editor and the unzipper.
- relaunch SyMenu
- done.
Hotkey doesn't always work
Since I've implemented the keyboard hook and not the keyboard shortcut technique, there is no way to overcome the Windows security limits. I advise you to follow the Microsoft recommendation and work with a user with no privileges. |
Modified structure not remembered
Sorry for this but you are the first (and unique) user not able to apply the workaround. It's probably something tied to your system.
For example, since you work with elevated users, it can be a problem with the configuration file Windows authorizations or ownership... but always something tied to your system, not SyMenu.
As a last chance, if you want, you can change the structure by hand directly in your configuration file, it's not difficult. |
Cannot drag files into app opened with SyMenu
I'm sorry to hear that.
Lucky other users aren't bothered by this limitation that, I repeat, is a Windows security limit. So you can follow MS recommendation and work as they suggest (never use elevated users if you can) or use other systems like Linux that are more flexible... or stay with Windows and find an alternative launcher to SyMenu even if this means you won't be part of this collaborative, positive, constructive, and relaxed community
edited by Gianluca on 15/02/2023 |
Hotkey doesn't always work
https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/identity/ad-ds/plan/security-best-practices/implementing-least-privilege-administrative-models |
Cannot drag files into app opened with SyMenu
If you think about that, you'll realize that the replacement of the Windows Start menu is not the main reason to use SyMenu. SyMenu is mainly a way to manage your portable applications. Then, to some extent, it can be considered a Start menu replacement without all the expected features. But it's incidental.
Returning to your issue I don't understand why you need a script that allows you to execute something without elevation when you simply can execute SyMenu without admin privileges.
BTW it's exactly the same situation you find in the Windows Start menu and Windows Explorer that run without elevation. If you execute SyMenu without elevation, everything launched by SyMenu will have no elevation. And when you need a certain program be elevated, you have the special launch option in SyMenu, both in Configuration if you always need this kind of behaviour and as a contextual menu modifier.
Anyway I'm happy to ear you solved this way, but executing SyMenu elevated, is not a common scenario, so I think I won't implement the script you suggested. |
Hotkey doesn't always work
A program executes in elevated mode for several reasons.
I will try to list everything that comes to my mind:
- you can run a program through a shortcut and a Windows shortcut can have a flag that tells Windows to execute in elevated mode;
- if you check whatever program settings you will find a checkbox with the same behaviour of the shortcut one. It's called "Run this program as an administrator";
- a program can have this information written on its manifest. Reading the manifest Windows understands the program needs and asks the user to grant the elevation through UAC. The reason can be the program needs to control your system/FS/HD in a way that is impossible if executed with normal privileges
- a program can be launched by an elevated launcher (we already talked about this one).
I think that's all. |
Hotkey doesn't always work
BTW to check if a program is running in elevate mode you can use Task manager (https://www.elevenforum.com/t/check-if-process-is-running-as-administrator-elevated-in-windows-11.7199/) |
Hotkey doesn't always work
Then probably the launcher (Autohotkey script) has gained privileges... Try to work on that one and every other program will be OK. |
Request for a double menu
It's impossible. The context menu has been built this way and I've got no time to rework it this way. Anyway I hate to scroll the menu too and, for this reason, I use the subfolders. It's a logical way to organize my programs that eases the retrieval of them too.
If you want SyMenu is able to automatically organize the newly installed app in subfolders according to the categories they belong to. At least it could be a good point to organize them your way. |
Move several Apps at once
Unfortunately it's not possible. The configuration can work with single nodes, not multiple ones. |
System proxy viene rilevato ma ...
Ciao dpace, benvenuto nella community.
Visto che sei nuovo sei perdonato per il messaggio in italiano (il forum è solo in inglese, per l'italiano puoi comunque contattarmi in privato).
Mi dovresti dire che versione di SyMenu usi visto che attualmente ci sono due branch attivi: quello ufficiale scritto con il .NET Framework 2/4 e quello in beta (lo trovi qui https://ugmfree.it/Forum/messages.aspx?TopicID=840) scritto con .NET 7. Non sviluppo più sul .NET framework tradizionale quindi ogni bug fix/modifica/implementazione vanno sul brench in beta.
Se hai riscontrato il bug sulla versione ufficiale di SyMenu (ad oggi 7.03), ti pregherei di testare quella in beta (versione 8.00) per capire se può essere risolutiva del problema.
Ti avviso che non ho ancora rilasciato ufficialmente il branch in beta, che di suo sarebbe pronto e testato, per via di un fastidioso bug (del framework .NET) su schermi ad alta risoluzione con scaling diverso dal 100%. Se ti trovi in questa situazione difficilmente riuscirai a fare il test che ti ho chiesto perché il form dei programmi viene disegnato in modo completamente errato. Fortunatamente con .NET 8 (in uscita a ottobre/novembre) il bug sarà risolto così anche SyMenu potrà uscire dalla fase di beta. |
System proxy viene rilevato ma ...
Visto che il bug è tale e quale sul nuovo brench mi segno di guardarci.
Da quello che dici però inizio ad avere un dubbio sul fatto che tu abbia configurato bene SyMenu perché la funzione che chiedi è già disponibile: https://ugmfree.it/manual#Advanced_menu_Proxy |
Ibubezi48 wrote:
add links to https://www.ugmfree.it/ SOMEWHERE in the menu - even the 'About' doesn't offer a link (neither to the forums)? A back link to the website is already available on the About window on the SyMenu version 8, the beta one, available here https://www.ugmfree.it/forum/messages.aspx?TopicID=840 I won't touch the old brench anymore.
Ibubezi48 wrote:
replace 'Notepad2' (2017) with... 'Notepad3' Done, you'll find it available tomorrow. And BTW, thank you for the tip!
Ibubezi48 wrote:
PDFsam Basic 4.3.4. notified me about a new version (5.0.2) on opening - I waited a few weeks, assuming it would update in SPS Your assumption is good. Unfortunately for PDFSam the editor that took it, decided to leave without alerting me. This is the reason for the obsolescence. I've just taken it and tomorrow it'll be updated. For the future you can wait for my update.
Ibubezi48 wrote:
somehow most of my menu-icons disappeared (I "think" (!) after installing FileMenuTools, but can't confirm - and would have to uninstall it....). A 'refresh icons' button would solve this? ('Reload' doesn't do it). I don't have a clue about it. You have a folder Icons in your SyMenu root folder. If you see the lost icons inside, the problem could be fixed with a SyMenu restart otherwise you screw the SyMenu configuration file... but I think it's very unlikely.
I don't think FileMenu tools could be the problem, its interests are for Windows Explorer not for SyMenu |
Is it possible you use one of the SyMenu command line? You can find them here https://www.ugmfree.it/manual#CommandLine but in particular I'm speaking about -fi
-fi is a redirector that change the Icons folder expected location.
If you find the Icons folder inside the Config folder the only way it could be happened is with that folder redirection.
There is a joke I love to quote in this cases.
You can read it here
SyMenu PAF program suite
If you don't like Paypal you can donate with BTC or EVER crypto even is it's not strictly needed. I appreciate your observations on this topic more than the money.
Let's leave John aside for a moment (he's not in my mind as you can easily imagine) and let's analyze the problem of the migration from PA to SPS.
A proper migration is not possible for several reasons.
During the installation process, SPS creates a placeholder file to recognize the program version. You can find it inside every SPS program root folder and it's called something like "xx.yy.sps.version". If SyMenu can't find that file or find a file with a version number different from what's expected, it suggests you to update the program.
The second reason is a more practical and pragmatic one. Who literally cares about the migration from PortableApps? The SPS suite contains about 30 programs from PA. It's less than 3% of our huge program library. Is it worth the effort? In my opinion, it's not at all, especially my effort. I need to spend my "SyMenu time" in a more productive way.
Is a manual migration from PA to SPS possible? Sure it is. Use SPS to install all the programs you have in PA or in general your PAF programs.
When you have done, simply copy the Data folder from any PA programs to the corresponding SPS. And... remember to say: "Ciao ciao" to the PA launcher and trash it. |