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Merge / Import
carloxp Posts: 3
Hi all
I've fond no way to import or merge the menu set from different SyMenu instances.
For example, I have a SyMenu instance/installation with GEGeek_Toolkit commands (hundreds), another with my own items and another with NirSoft menu's.
Is not possible merge all these instances/installations or simply import a complete menu set from anoter instance/installation?
Thank you ;-)
Gianluca Administrator Posts: 1274
There is not a guided procedure to do what you desire but you have many other options.
1) You can import every items from a different SyMenu instance with the built in command "Batch import" .
2) NirSoft software is natively available through the SPS suite feature ( ) so you can download it inside your main instance.
3) If you are really brave you can merge the configuration of your three instances in a single one. The file containing the item configuration is Config\ Unzip your files, they are simple xml file, and merge theme in one single file. Maybe you have to move the programs too because the items configuration work with relative paths. Zip it again and run SyMneu. Watch out. Do a backup before working with the configuration files by hand and don't touch them if you don't know what an xml file is.
Well if someone has free time to dedicate to this topic and an appropriate dev knowledge he can create a plug in to accomplish this interesting task. I exclude to implement it in SyMenu as a native feature because it is a utility poorly useful for the majority of the users.
carloxp Posts: 3
Hi thank you for replying
Well, importing every item is useful but, as far as I know, the menu structure is not preserved. I mean: every item goes to the menu's root. I have a very old NirSoft-SyMenu and it has a well-defined menu structure. Rebuildig it from scratch by using SPS implies to manually rebuild the menu structure.
Thank you for defining interesting my request. But I don't agree that it should be used by few users. By placing a import/merge feature would make SyMEnu very flexible, because any software developer could publish just a couple of XML rows in order to add his own menu's to an existing instance, rather than publish the whole SyMenu package. Spero di essere stato chiaro! :-)
edited by carloxp on 26/03/2015
Gianluca Administrator Posts: 1274
Chiarissimo :-)
Yes your argument are really clear but it is not completely right. Importing the xml configuration of one item makes it available inside the item list but SyMenu always works with a couple of elements: the xml configuration and file system related program. So an import feature should consider either the elements i.e. it is a really complex feature.
My approach to solve this duality has been to create the SPS format to help thirdy party software producers too to include their products inside the SyMenu suite. The SPS is more flexible than an import feature because it could be build with a special tool that helps with the compilation of the file (the SPS builder), it integrates the auto update process (the software producer has only to publish an SPS with a fresh program version and SyMenu notifies the user that the new version is available), it assures that the users don't need to download an entire suite but only the programs they are interested in.
Se hai voglia di approfondire la questione possiamo anche parlarne via mail :-)
carloxp Posts: 3
Hi Gianluca
thank you once more for your reply!
I fully understand your point of view. Obviously, your opinion is the opinion of the programmer rather than a mere user.
I would be very happy to further discuss the issue with you by email :-) But more than dicussing the issue I would be very happy to meet you, as I'm a former .NET programmer too! Please, feel free to drop me a row at carloxp (at)
Cheers, Carlo